Friday, February 12, 2010

The bible teaches us that anybody who has sworn using God's name should be stoned to death. True or false?

Or is this another one of those not to be taken literally metaphors I keep hearing about?

Leviticus 24:11-14

';The son of the Israelite woman blasphemed the Name with a curse; so they brought him to Moses. They put him in custody until the will of the LORD should be made clear to them. Then the LORD said to Moses: ';Take the blasphemer outside the camp. All those who heard him are to lay their hands on his head, and the entire assembly is to stone him.';

This seems in contrast to Jesus telling the mob that wanted to stone a prostitute that ';if any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her';. (John 8:7). Has God matured from the OT to the New? Or is Jesus just more godly than his dad?The bible teaches us that anybody who has sworn using God's name should be stoned to death. True or false?
God D*amn it!! *Ouch* Stop it, Hey that one really hurt, you buttholes, I'll get you for this......The bible teaches us that anybody who has sworn using God's name should be stoned to death. True or false?

God is perfect, for one. So don't bother thinking otherwise.

This is a lesson. Not a contradiction. The Jews during this time were very disobedient. (Gold calf, for example.) So God kept having to do rather extreme things to keep them in line.

When Jesus arrived, it ended the need for the Law of Moses, and the new law was put into place. The trouble is, nobody paid attention. Jesus was teaching the pharasees and the sagasees a completely different lesson. The first passage is about how taking the father's name in vain is a REALLY bad idea. The second is about the need to forgive. They do not contradict, they merely teach two different things, to two different sets of people.

I suppose that's the best I can explain it...I hope the general idea got through.
I'm sure it was taken literally back then, and there are probably a few people who would still go for that just because it's in the bible. I think that people have matured. Well, most people.
Who cares what that comic book has to say.
That was a specific instance at a specific time in history. people get into a lot of trouble when they try to apply one verse out of context. In the time of leviticus, Moses and the people of Israel were in a unique relationship with GOD. Moses would go up a mountain and speak to the Living God or into the tent of meeting. he would come out of the tent or down the mountain with an unearthly glow on his face from being so close to God. God also led them in the pillar and the cloud. in this relationship, His Holiness (apartness) was near enough that a breakage of the commandments would have to be dealt with harshly.

this stands in sharp contrast to the time after Jesus. he being the sacrifice that atones (pays) for our sins, allows us to bridge that gap and come directly to God, without God condemning us for our sins.

so yes, stoning was used as a punishment for baspheming, but if you look at the context, the woman blasphemed the holy name of GOD that wasnt printed wholly in the hebrew torah to keep it sacred. There is nothing to compare it to today, because today very little is sacred.

I haven't been stoned in several years---wanna pass the joint?
The old testament was pointing the way to a new day when Grace would abound. People were stoned to death as a punishment for their sins. When Jesus died on the cross, the law was no longer in effect. But when Jesus was yet alive, the Jews were still under the law. So, what Jesus was pointing out to them, is what a hypocrite, they were. No one is without sin, we all need to be stoned...But he died for us, he took our sins and put them on himself..Now we can come freely to him and confess our sins, and be forgiven. BTW...your question makes no sense,,because Jesus is God....
Goddamn right!

God became more mellow after his son was born.
false! there would be no more people alive!
Well, if you were living under the Mosaic law at that time, and that place, you would be subject to the laws that God clearly laid out. This person was not of the Israelite people, but was an outsider who came into the camp. He blasphemed God, and paid for His sin. God doesn't play, He is serious.

There is no connection to the passage in John. Under Jewish law, adultery was a capitol offense, but Jesus knew their hearts, and perhaps some also had been involved with this woman. Plus, under the law, both the man and woman were to suffer this fate, he is not present, perhaps he was one of the stoners. Jesus did not have to intervene, nor forgive her, He chose to do it, out of mercy and love. Jesus was the God of the Old Testament, neither change, both are the same today, yesterday and forever.
I, for one, lament the decline of public stonings.
Clearly you've failed to read the very verses you quoted. Even assuming that the Mosaic Law is still being enforced, what does this vers *actually* say? Let's read it:

';The son of the Israelite woman blasphemed the Name with a curse';

This is hardly the same as swearing using God's name. This is *cursing the name of God*.

Another mind-bending question solved by Captain Obvious
I've heard someone say God's name in vain, but they haven't turned to stone yet!!!
The Law is filled with rules and death sentences,... When Jesus came, He didnt destroy the law, but He paid the penalty for all sins. This was THE main reason for Jesus and this question would be answered easily if you would have just thought about it.
God gave special rules to the Israelites when He called them out of Egypt to be his chosen people through whom He would reveal his Savior to the rest of the world. There's another passage where a man was picking up sticks on the Sabbath who was put to death. God makes an example of people to warn others just like He did in the NT.

Acts 5:1 But a man named Ananias, with his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property, 2 and with his wife's knowledge he kept back for himself some of the proceeds and brought only a part of it and laid it at the apostles' feet. 3 But Peter said, ';Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of the land? 4 While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? Why is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.'; 5 When Ananias heard these words, he fell down and breathed his last. And great fear came upon all who heard of it. 6 The young men rose and wrapped him up and carried him out and buried him.

7 After an interval of about three hours his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. 8 And Peter said to her, ';Tell me whether you sold the land for so much.'; And she said, ';Yes, for so much.'; 9 But Peter said to her, ';How is it that you have agreed together to test the Spirit of the Lord? Behold, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out.'; 10 Immediately she fell down at his feet and breathed her last. When the young men came in they found her dead, and they carried her out and buried her beside her husband.

Believers are no longer called to stone people because we are not under the old covenant laws that were in place till Jesus initiated the new covenant of grace. But God will still take people out when He wants to make a point like He did in the church of Corinth.

1 Corinthians 11:26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. 27 Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. 28 Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself. 30 That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.

blaspheming is not the same as swearing.

blaspheme is speaking evil of or against. This has nothing to do with Jesus and the woman who committed adultery.
I have discussed this with my friends so I am glad you brought it up. How can anyone say they are taking the lords name in vain(swearing) if GOD is not his name. God is nothing more than a title, like king, or savior. I don't recall anyone saying ';I AM'; dammit. or ';Holy yahweh!
I've been pretty stoned before, but never to death.
It's just one more thing that is outdated about the Bible. Unfortunately, some of the Christians still hold on to that idiotic idea about homosexuality being wrong.
Leviticus also instructs parents to kill their children is their children curse them.

biblical judgement leaves much to be desired
ah...but Jesus has came and fulfilled the law...he has taken the punishment of sin upon himself....
thou shalt not judge, least thou shalt be judged
It sure was to be taken literally in its time. But we are now under a new Covenant with GOd through Jesus. This only applied to THe Jews before Christ. But Jesus fulfilled the law in his death and this is Gone.

This is why there seems to be a contradiction in what you see. So yes it is literal but no it does not happen Jesus took that punishment upon himself, he suffered that pain for the world.
I will get back to you at a later date on this one.

Why does this deceived world, and false preachers continue on going contrary to what the true scriptures teach?

the truth is even in every bible, even though all english, greek and latin translations are mistranslated, added to or deleted from, like the TRUE names of the Creator, Prophets and Apostles.Why does this deceived world, and false preachers continue on going contrary to what the true scriptures teach?
You say the Truth is in all Bibles then turn around and claim they are mistranslated. You answered your own question. Enough said.Why does this deceived world, and false preachers continue on going contrary to what the true scriptures teach?
One would have to ask Constantine. He made it the official religion of the Roman empire, as a recent convert and he assembled the books of the bible, editing out those things that didn't fit his political agenda, thus starting the tradition of Christianity holding political office.

In addition to that, Christianity has gained so much power that it has become a means to an end; Gaining and maintaining power over the populous.

That is not what religion is supposed to be about, but Christian leaders have been using it for just that purpose since the days of Constantine I of Rome.

Perhaps this is a question that you should pose to your leaders and not to the world at large, since Christian leaders have made it a point to arrogantly create more enemies than friends.

And should you ask your leaders, do not accept the ';take it on faith'; answers. That's just a dodge to avoid answering a question that they either don't have an answer to or just don't want to answer.
Do you really think that we should know the exact name of god, of the angels, prophets or the original language of the Bible? I think that the best think to do is to live our life as we see fit, but taking care not to do any harm to our fellow humans. I think the only true message is love your neighbor as you love yourself.
There is only one Bible, and by God's grace, we still have access to the earliest known Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.

With the abundance of tools at our disposal to diligently research these original documents, there is really no reason to ever have to rely on any of the many different translations that are circulated today, let alone what any preacher has to say.

How about 2/3 of the world doesn't think that your Bible is worth wasting the trees it takes to print it?

How about accepting that Christianity is only a MINORITY religion (and becoming more marginalized every day, except in certain parts of the US)? There are only 2 billion people listed as being Christian, out of a population of more than 6 billion. (And a lot of those have left Christianity, so the number is grossly inflated. There probably aren't more than one billion people who actually PRACTICE the religion - which means that Christianity only encompasses about 16% of the world's population.)

How about the fact that most people (around 85%) consider your Bible a fairy tale?

How about the fact that it says in the Old Testament that, as long as the world still exists, not even a punctuation mark of the Old Testament can be changed, added to or deleted? So the New Testament is a violation of a direct order from God? (It doesn't say until Jesus establishes a new covenant, it says as long as the Earth - the planet - exists.)

How about the fact that - in the US - anyone has the right to preach anything, whether your particular cult approves of it or not?

There a few hundred other reasons, but I think I've made my point.
Because it is a play that must be played out, and when it has run its course people will realize it is otherwise, then more will wake up to the deeper meanings of what they hear or read. I look at it as just different stages of learning, like reaching a certain stop along the road where you can rest awhile and feel comfortable, but then the journey must begin again as you go forward. Life is a process of learning and we are all progressing at our own pace.

God works in mysterious ways.

Why does:

'; Therefore My people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowlage. ';

'; Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees and that write grievousness witch they have prescribed.';

'; Woe be unto the pastor that destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture ';

'; And if any man shall take away the words of this book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life......';

Bible prophesy being fulfilled!
Ummmm let me see, how about most readers of the bible can't read the original language... will that do you?...
Why not? they also rejected our Lord and saviour! Just like he said they would!
Because people are not in the light... and are unable to see past the false preaching.

And that Kingdom Gospel was about increasing the light. Click on my avatar for an explanation.

If a woman attempts to ';teach'; the Bible to men and she is in error, do you call her a ';false prophetess?';

Or do you call her a ';false teacher?';

**She really ';thinks'; that she is speaking truth!If a woman attempts to ';teach'; the Bible to men and she is in error, do you call her a ';false prophetess?';
I believe and trust the bible....

and YES most definitely call her out...I don't like it myself when people get it all wrong. Leave that to Atheists.If a woman attempts to ';teach'; the Bible to men and she is in error, do you call her a ';false prophetess?';
Why would she be a prophetess?

And why would I mame her for a mistake.

Show me one single person who has NEVER made a mistake.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone ....
A person is a false prophetess if one is leading others to other gods, or one says, the Lord God said this and that and it doesn't come to pass. That prophetess didn't hear from the Lord.

I believe when the Lord calls a woman to ';teach'; that person is a true teacher. Of course she has to be called of the Lord. If she isn't called of the Lord, then she isn't in the right calling and may just be wrong.
I won't judge her, I would tell her the truth.
According to the bible no woman should be teaching the bible, it's an abomination...maybe they don't know the bible quite as well as they claim.
it depends what she is teaching!!

MAINSTREAM can be trusted like Methodist..
The term is Christian.

How can you trust anyone to teach ou God's Word if the God's Word says not to trust false preachers & prophets

that's was 1 of the reasons I left Roman Catholic Church and ask God to send me the Holy Spirit to help me de-code what his Word really means. Sola Scriptura [By Scripture Alone]How can you trust anyone to teach ou God's Word if the God's Word says not to trust false preachers %26amp; prophets
You have to trust the Holy Spirit to give you discerment to know that you are being taught the truth. It has to line up with the word, and the truth always will.How can you trust anyone to teach ou God's Word if the God's Word says not to trust false preachers %26amp; prophets
The funny thing about truth is you have to be pure your self to see it. So I suggest you pray like anything to want to know The Absolute truth and He dose reveal. Go to for the Truth on Christ. You should read and pray and then make your decision. King Constantine took out so much from the bible and Paul messed everything up. He is proclaiming the word of Jesus who he never even met. This is the truth and believe this message is coming through me from God to you Do not fear, only seek truth and you Will get that but you have to discern. Don't stop look for truth.
You cannot rely on other people to interpret and tell you what the Bible means. You have to read it yourself, then you can assess what others are saying by what you know to be the truth you've read.
If you are asking the Holy Spirit is not going to be by Scripture alone.

if you wanted by scripture alone you will never make it.

the Scriptures were written thousand of years ago for other cultures and we have no idea what the meaning is with out reading and studying those cultures.

Also in the Gospels you will find that Christ walk the earth teaching his disciples so much that they themselves tell us that there will be not enough books to write about it all.

The Gospels were written base on the tradition of the apostles and the old testament was first spoken before it was written.
You can trust the one that teaches (preaches) directly from the bible.

A good teacher of the bible will have also studied cultures and history surrounding the time in the bible that he or she is teaching.

This way you can get a feel for what was going on in the cities surrounding the writers and why they were dealing with particular issues and not others.

I suggest a small non denominational church that teaches directly out of the bible. I have also been to a General baptist church that the pastors teach and preach directly from the bible.

Anytime a pastor or teacher states the bible says one thing but they believe it means another, be very wary of that person. Another more suble way that man puts his own agenda into preaching is when they stress one part of scripture as more important than another. All of it is important or it wouldnt be in there.
It's one reason I left religion. I studied the Bible myself. But then moved on when, reading for myself, I realized that I no longer believed in any of it.
thats pretty much what i did

i found it most helpfull when you come across a quote people will throw now and again to read the whole chapter ,it often means the oppisite of the selective quotes reason for quoting it

i also was free to read other scriptures such as the koran ,and marybaker eddie and the gnostics ,swedenborg and infinite other holy texts and study guides

concordances are a must ,also speak to the many other religions and believers ,they are all so helpfull and a very good source of quotes to read and digest with new open eyes

i drifted away from people this is a big disadvantage in only studieing the words ,keep people in your life ,real living people not just the words of the prophetts god sent to many men

in the end realise the church is allways changing ,that negative you now percieve may turn into a positive in time

the companion ship of people is needed in the end

better the belief system you were born into in the long run

i was told as a child i didnt need to read the word ,but then when i finally found it had no belief but the word

this is where i am lacking now ,i have drifted so far from any specific belief i respect them all yet wish i could enjoin one that i can say this is my belief ,alas i found god but god loves common-union and no one belief accepts the other this i hope will change in time

but this is in gods time alone

i love all the suns of light the father sent to enlighten man

but jesus stands supreeme but not as a god replacement

he taught us about our father

for this i love him

but the father created the sun for this i love him more.
Timothy 3:15

';if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.';

Timothy is reffering to the Roman Catholic Church which Christ founded on St. Peter, on whom he said that the Gates of hell would NEVER prevail against, the only church to survive for close to 2000 years!! Protestants don't have a central authority, that is why they have over 30,000 denominations!! while theCatholic church is ONE%26gt;
Sounds like you are a bible scholar. You must've read ';test the spirit to see if it is of God';.
read God words for yourself in order to know the different.
Do your research, i did research on Jehovah's Witnesses and found they are false prophets according to when Charles T. Russell their first leader said the world was going to end in 1914!! DO YOUR RESEARCH!
Latin Vulgate

Douay-Rheims Bible

Second Epistle Of Saint Peter

Chapter 2

1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there shall be among you lying teachers, who shall bring in sects of perdition, and deny the Lord who bought them: bringing upon themselves swift destruction. 2 And many shall follow their riotousnesses, through whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you. Whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their perdition slumbereth not. 4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but delivered them, drawn down by infernal ropes to the lower hell, unto torments, to be reserved unto judgment

11 Whereas angels who are greater in strength and power, bring not against themselves a railing judgment. 12 But these men, as irrational beasts, naturally tending to the snare and to destruction, blaspheming those things which they know not, shall perish in their corruption, 13 Receiving the reward of their injustice, counting for a pleasure the delights of a day: stains and spots, sporting themselves to excess, rioting in their feasts with you: 14 Having eyes full of adultery and of sin that ceaseth not: alluring unstable souls, having their heart exercised with covetousness, children of malediction
Learn how to trust yourself and then you will know what 'truth' is right for you. The rule is:- trust your inner voice.
Everyone is not a false preacher or prophet. When in doubt, pray about it. Fasting and praying gives results or answers.

I understand that Islam teaches that all Non-Muslims must convert or die, is this True or false.?

For devout Muslims only please and please give a true answer, not how you feel but what Islam teaches.I understand that Islam teaches that all Non-Muslims must convert or die, is this True or false.?
Don't be so silly. Open your mind and read the Qua'ran yourself, and see what it teaches.

Don't listen to all these stupid close-minded people and what they say about it. All holy books have their own beliefs, and believe they are correct, and of course if you don't beleive you won't go to heaven/the equivelant of heaven. Islam just teaches the basic principles of what it believes is right from wrong, just like the Bible, Torah etc.

Please everyone, open your minds, and do some reading.I understand that Islam teaches that all Non-Muslims must convert or die, is this True or false.?
this is false
Read the Qu'ran and see what it says. No where does it teach this, but I did go to a Baptist church once and they told me I was going to hell because I was not a Baptist. ...... More people should read and research a religion before believing everything the media says....
No, I think you're confusing that with evangelical Christianity, which teaches that everyone who dies unsaved goes straight to hell.
it's ur choice,u will go straight to hell
















(19) The Quran orders warfare and death for polytheists who refuse to convert.

Sura 9:5 says:

Then, when the months made unlawful for fighting expire, kill the mushriks [polytheists] wherever you find them, and seize them, and besiege them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent, establish Salat [prayer five times a day] and pay the Zakat dues [charity tax], then let them go their way. (Maududi, vol. 2, p. 175; insertions mine)

This hadith leaves no doubt about Muhammad鈥檚 mission in Arabia and his known world:
islam does not teach that at all, im sorry mate, ure wrong.
False. think about it. if Islam allowed me to marry christian or jewish, should i kill her by now?

there is a clear verse in the Quran says no force in this religion. the truth has been cleared from the False. there is also a chapter in the Quran that clearly says we have our own religion and you have your own. also other verses ask muslims to forgive those who disbelieve. and be kind toward those who did not fight us for religion, neither tried to kick us our of home, which means be peaceful with those who are peaceful with you.
If you would read the Quaran yourself, you'd see that it teaches exactly what you said. No more, no less.
I am afraid what you know is wrong.

Islam does not teach that. Its the belief of a class of small number of fanatic muslims that ';everyone should be Muslim.'; Islam, however, has not stated anything like that anywhere, rather inspired to coexist with others. There are fanatics everwhere, right?

Just for further clarification, the wars Muhammed (pbuh) had to fight were mostly because of political issues where religion was used by his opponents as a weapon of hatred.

*Muhammed (pbuh) even had a christian wife .. now she wasnt killed, see?
Islam does not teach us that non-muslims should die, murder is a sin in all religions, as far as I know. What it teaches us is that as muslims, our responsibility is to teach others about our beliefs and inform them about what, we believe, is the true religion. I know that Christians believe this as well, to pass the word of Jesus on to others. I understand people may get offended by this, but that is what we believe. However, we also believe that everything is up to God (or Allah) so we can pray to him to make someone muslim. We are also taught, that just because someone is not muslim, that is no reason to disrespect them. Prophet Muhommad (SAW) had some non-muslim relatives of his own, I'm not exactly sure how he was related to them, but he treated them the same way he did all his other muslim relatives. I don't know if this helps, but I tried to make it as simple as possible. =)
Well, let's see what the Koran says:

';There is no compulsion in religion.'; (The Koran 2:256)

';If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah. and then escort him to where he can be secure. That is because they are men without knowledge.'; (The Koran 9:6) (note that this verse comes exactly after the verse that John W typed in)

';Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.'; (The Koran 109:6)
My brother, you asked a question and God's willing, you will get some of the most appropriate answers possible.

The religion of Islam never taught that all Non-Muslims must convert or die. And it will remain so until the end of the world. In so many verses of the Holy Qur'an Allah has made emphatically clear that as humans, you have a right to freedom of religious worship.

If you ever have to read the Qur'an, I'd like to refer you to a very simple and clear Chapter in the Qur'an, that is, Chapter 109 Verses 1-6.

It says,

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficient, the Most Merciful

1. Say, ';O You who deny the Truth, and, thus, by remaining ungrateful to the Creator's Ultimate Guidance, choose to live in darkness!

2. I do not worship that which you worship.

3. Nor do you worship that which I worship.

4. And I will never worship that which you have ever worshiped.

5. Nor will you worship that which I worship.

6. Unto you your way, and unto me my Way.';

This is just a little of the so many verses and chapters you'll find in the Holy Qur'an telling you that there is no Compulsion in the religion of islam.

Despite the fact that, there's been false claims in various ways depicting what islam is not and would never be. the truth remains the truth and wherever there is truth it is not always difficult to see the light.

I hope this and other scores of ';RIGHT'; answers would give you an insight into the truth and not ';FALSE';

May Allah Almighty guide us onto the right path, Amin.
assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatahu

may the peace and blessings of Allah be with u

dear brother, when u read the quran try understanding it with an open mind. and also while quoting something try reading the verses next to it. when u say that this verse is preaching non-violence, then try reading the verses that are next to it also. then you will know what Allah is speaking of. please for ur Lord's sake

there have been many people who have given quotes from quran saying that Allah asks u to kill infidels or non-beleivers. but how many people know what a infidel is in islam.

in路fi路del (nf-dl, -dl)


1. An unbeliever with respect to a particular religion, especially Christianity or Islam.

2. One who has no religious beliefs.

3. One who doubts or rejects a particular doctrine, system, or principle

if this is the infidel u are talking and linking to islam, then u are wrong. an infidel is not a man/woman from the opposite Faith. it simply means a person who is leading astray from the STRAIGHT PATH, which leads to God. in layman terms, it means, a person who commits sin. and every right religion and God will say the same thing.

WHO IS AN INFIDEL/ unbeleiver/ kufr?

who are not kind and compassionate to entire humankind

infidels are people who torture others,

who dont help needy ,

who commit adultary, who lie, steal and kill

those who bear false witness against brothers

those who dont serve their parents and community

those who take taxes

those who associate false Gods

those who do not give charity

those who opress the orphans

those who burn widows alive with their dead hubbies(sati)

those who shave widow women bald (christianity)

those who considered woman was a slave and 3rd class citizen

those who say that a woman cannot give witness

those wgo play with a woman's reputation

those who say that woman cannot be educated or give sermons

those who let their women and men commit fornication

those who do not desire what they deisre for them selves

those who are not kind

those who are not patient and enduring

those who are arrogant

may the peace and blessings of Allah be with u
  • formal hair
  • Why did the false religious zealots kill Folly when all he tried to do was teach love and peace in Giggles?

    ';And the people took Folly and cast him in the fire and he was now dead and they called upon the great priest and he said, ';Ye have done the Lord's work.Let not this Demon hasten your works and let all see this and know it is God's will and the day of the witch hunts shall begin anew.';.'; G.A.F 1:16

    Source:鈥?/a>Why did the false religious zealots kill Folly when all he tried to do was teach love and peace in Giggles?
    It is sad because they are full of hate.Back then they killed many people because they were trying to control what people believed in.It is a pity they did not get Giggles' message.I do though!Why did the false religious zealots kill Folly when all he tried to do was teach love and peace in Giggles?
    If you don't believe in GOD then why does it matter to you what a Christian believes?

    Why would you waste your time here in the Religion and Spirituality section if you don't believe in GOD or a ';Religion';?

    Your endeavor seems pointless and aimless and, above all, senseless.
    You need to do some serious growing up and maturing.

    Are children being taught something that has been proven over and over to be false.?

    What will be the impact on theses children's future?

    I shudder to think!

    ';This Memorial Day, the religious right will launch one of the most outrageous campaigns to date in their war on science: the $27 million “Creation Museum” in Petersburg, Kentucky.

    The “Museum,” which was built by the religious right organization Answers in Genesis (AiG), is dedicated to the falsehood that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, claims that humans and dinosaurs coexisted a few thousand years ago, and has but one goal: to institutionalize the lie that science supports these fairytales.

    This institution is only the most recent example of the religious right's war on science education - whether in the form of anti-evolution stickers in textbooks or the promotion of intelligent design in the classroom.';Are children being taught something that has been proven over and over to be false.?
    Hopefully some kids will shake off the bug of religious/creationist nonsense, just like they do Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy.Are children being taught something that has been proven over and over to be false.?
    Opinions are like heads--everybody has at least one. Why do you fear another opinion. You cannot say scientifically they are wrong. You can only say you differ--if you are a true scientist
    Creation hasn't been proven false, ever. However, if you think evolution is true, then prove that life can come from nonlife without intelligent direction or produce ten mutations that produce genetic information. You need millions, but we'll start with ten. Everyone has axioms, things they assume to be true, and based on those they interpret evidence. You assume God doesn't exist, creationists assume He does. The fact that there are cultures all over which have accounts of there being a worldwide flood indicates that there was one. In addition, fossils found in sedimentary rock shows there was one, for something to fossilize, it must be buried quickly, otherwise animals will eat the flesh and the bones will deteriorate. A flood would bury them quickly, being left out to be buried over a few months wouldn't.
    No, actually they are being taught something that has been proven over and over to be accurate.

    Also, ';the religious right will launch one of the most outrageous campaigns to date in their war on science'; is far from accurate. It might be perceived as a war on evolutionism, but that is hardly science as a whole.
    Yours is only one opinion of many..

    Because the religious right is RIGHT and don't worry you haven't seen the rest of the iceberg yet because the truth will not be stopped. Yes dinos and humans walked this planet together and yes we have 6 to 7 thousand years since creation..

    What you don't realise or want to hear is that SCIENCE PROVES THE BIBLE.
    Science has proved nothing. So why do you get upset when someone sets the record straight. C.S. Lewis says science keeps repeating the same experiments until the scientist believe them to be true even though they are not.
    i CHOOSE to believe in creation. i respect science. the two can co exist for me because --I don't have to have all the answers-- to be happy. i find science fascinating. i also find creation and our Creator fascinating.

    parents need to teach their children to the best of their ability and knowledge and ultimately the child will learn and choose their own beliefs. i know that my children are taught many different things and i also know that what i have taught them, has a strong impact on them.

    why do we have to prove one right and the other wrong or vice versa?

    Why do Baptists believe in the false doctrine of ';once saved always saved'; when the Bible teaches otherwise?

    ';If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins but a fearful prospect of judgment and a flaming fire that is going to consume the adversaries.'; - Heb 10:26

    ';But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.'; - Matt 24:13

    ';See, then, the kindness and severity of God: severity toward those who fell, but God's kindness to you, provided you remain in his kindness; otherwise you too will be cut off.'; - Rom 11:22

    ';Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, 10 but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.'; - Matt 7:21

    ';No, I drive my body and train it, for fear that, after having preached to others, I myself should be disqualified. - 1 Cor 9:27

    ';So then, my beloved, obedient as you have always been, not only when I am present but all the more now when I am absent, work out your salvation with fear and trembling.'; - Phil 2:12Why do Baptists believe in the false doctrine of ';once saved always saved'; when the Bible teaches otherwise?
    Their ';once saved always saved'; falls flat with one simple question: what happens to the person who adamantly rejects God’s forgiveness AFTER they were previously saved?

    By their stand, no matter what you do from here on out, Jesus will forgive any and all sins. However, you will receive His forgiveness only if you are willing to accept it. They forget that God never disrespects our free will; His forgiveness is never forced upon us, but given to us as a choice. If we accept it, then we have His mercy. If we reject it, what is God to do? He cannot force anyone to love Him. According to “once saved always saved” that sinful rejection would be forgiven also, in effect, forcing the unrepentant sinner to accept heaven. This principle directly contradicts the gift of free will that we all have.

    The opposite, then, that we must strive ever more to flee from our sinfulness and work to perfect ourselves in Jesus is the truth. I think the Protestants were looking for a backstage pass. Do they forget, Jesus said that every penny will be counted?Why do Baptists believe in the false doctrine of ';once saved always saved'; when the Bible teaches otherwise?
    Yes it is true once saved always saved don't let anyone tell you otherwise ';Fear is not of God';:

    Once a person is saved are they always saved? When people come to know Christ as their Savior, they are brought into a relationship with God that guarantees their salvation as eternally secure. Numerous passages of Scripture declare this fact. (a) Romans 8:30 declares, ';And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified.'; This verse tells us that from the moment God chooses us, it is as if we are glorified in His presence in heaven. There is nothing that can prevent a believer from one day being glorified because God has already purposed it in heaven. Once a person is justified, his salvation is guaranteed - he is as secure as if he is already glorified in heaven.

    (b) Paul asks two crucial questions in Romans 8:33-34 ';Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died more than that, who was raised to life - is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.'; Who will bring a charge against God's elect? No one will, because Christ is our advocate. Who will condemn us? No one will, because Christ, the One who died for us, is the one who condemns. We have both the advocate and judge as our Savior.

    (c) Believers are born again (regenerated) when they believe (John 3:3; Titus 3:5). For a Christian to lose his salvation, he would have to be un-regenerated. The Bible gives no evidence that the new birth can be taken away. (d) The Holy Spirit indwells all believers (John 14:17; Romans 8:9) and baptizes all believers into the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13). For a believer to become unsaved, he would have to be ';un-indwelt'; and detached from the Body of Christ.

    (e) John 3:15 states that whoever believes in Jesus Christ will ';have eternal life.'; If you believe in Christ today and have eternal life, but lose it tomorrow, then it was never ';eternal'; at all. Hence if you lose your salvation, the promises of eternal life in the Bible would be in error. (f) For the most conclusive argument, I think Scripture says it best itself, ';For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord'; (Romans 8:38-39). Remember the same God who saved you is the same God who will keep you. Once we are saved we are always saved. Our salvation is most definitely eternally secure
    Or this passage written by Paul at the end of his life:

    2 Timothy 4:6-8 (King James Version)

    6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.

    7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:

    8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

    He specifically says he has ';kept the faith'; and the next word is key ';HENCEFORTH'; there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness. He makes it very clear that it was necessary to keep the faith to receive the reward.
    The meaning in the Greek form for the word saved is ';SOZO'; which means to heal, escape peril, radical change in ones life. Look it up. It is Strongs #G4982.

    I'm not Baptist, but I do understand exactly your point, and the point in scripture. But when these things are said, it is almost like Roman Catholics saying if you die in mortal sin you will go to hell.

    NOTHING is strong enough to take me or anybody else out of the hand of God if we are His.

    I think you have a VERY good argument for the mass of people that make an ';altar call'; based on a 1 time religious feeling and put their eternal security in that one moment and not take their new lifestyle one more step.

    If you truly are saved, I believe based on evidence, that you will transform into the life God has for you. Judge them by their fruits.

    Let me ask this to you......If you died right now, as a believer in Our Lord Jesus the Christ, without a repentance of your LAST sin, would you go to hell??????

    If you say yes, I believe that you are mistaken. And clearly goes against what scripture teaches.
    If by saved you mean the salvation of your everlasting soul.

    In the words of the Saints-';There is no salvation outside of The Catholic Church';.

    To prove it all one need do is visit the Vatican library or look at the lives of the saints. The saints are remembered everyday in every Catholic Church in every city in the world.

    They are also remembered on their special saints days and we too Share in those special days by the choice of our baptismal and confirmation names you want salvation- RUN TO the nearest Catholic Church and ask !
    The finite Bible does NOT Teach in Spirit and in Truth !

    ONLY JESUS here with us Teaches all sincere humans in God's Spirit and in JESUS' ALL TRUTH !

    JESUS SAVES AS HE DESIRES for us !! See and believe also John 12:31-32 !

    If you don't yet know Him and His continual Revelation; begin by prayerful reflections in Spirit and in Truth when you read these finite Bible few words: John 16:7-16

    If you are Eternal Spirit-Born a Son of God in Jesus, You ARE ETERNAL ! Once Eternally saved, Eternally Saved !

    Peace and progress,

    Brother Dave, a Jesusonian Christian Truthist Gospel enlarging website,

    proclaiming worldwide the True Religion


    Come and share !
    Their argument was if you are ';saved'; then you will live as Jesus taught and you will ';always'; be saved. If you don't live right then you were never saved to begin with.

    I say the reason for all the '; '; is when your hypothesis is flimsy to start with you need more loop holes.
    The Bible dose not teach otherwise... however... I knew nothing of the doctrin of eternal security on the day and at the instant of my Salvation... I Received God's Free Gift of Salvation and God's personal promise to me of the Security of my Salvation... not just mine but the Salvation of all who come to God in The Way He prescribes... I did not even own a Bible and had no honest study in it...Knowledge of The Bible is not a requirement for Salvation... I know what God has promised... All who are of The Church will enter Heaven. Once one is of The Church there is no power that can take them out.
    That is just as good as christians believing that their just god can pre-destine people he ';loves'; to hell.
    It is another example of miss-interpreting verses.
    Cute avatar
    I am Christian but the Baptist are decieved in thinking once saved it will send a lot of people to hell..

    If you believe in God then doesn't God's word teach you that the Trinity is indeed false?

    Why don't u get it?

    Jesus said it over and over again, HE IS THE FATHER!! HE IS GOD in the FLESH. What makes him the son is the fact that he had a HUMAN body(carnal flesh)!! Hes both at the same time!!

    Jesus told Philip in John 14:9

    9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?

    John 10:38

    38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him. ARE THEY NOT ONE??

    JESUS TOLD the DEVIL in :

    Matt 4:7

    7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

    Wasn't Jesus the one who was being tempted? Oh yeah maybe that means that Jesus is the Lord GOD!! cmon ppl lets all rightly divide the word of truth!!

    2 Tim 2:15

    15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.If you believe in God then doesn't God's word teach you that the Trinity is indeed false?
    You are absolutely correct. Constantine forced the council of Nicea's vote to be law and anyone caught embracing the disciples teaching of 'Jesus name baptism' or 'Oneness' would be executed as a heretic. As a matter of fact when all parties were invited to the council of Nicea Oneness believers were hunted down and executed prior to the council's meeting.

    One word of advice; just because you have knowledge of the truth (which is a gift to you from God and not your own wisdom lest you should boast) does not mean that you or your Church does not error in other very key areas. If there is hypocrisy in the Church or there is 'the buddy system' in the Church or there is demands on the fellowship in the Church from the pulpit that even our Lord has not commanded than you need to remember Paul's advice; ';work out your own salvation with much fear and trembling';. Do not be a follower of man, if faith is important to you make sure that your faith is in the right place, not in man.If you believe in God then doesn't God's word teach you that the Trinity is indeed false?
    ';And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us';';.........

    ';For God so Love the world and he give is only son, for whoever believe him will not be perish but have everlasting life';

    ';The father and i are one';

    ';And in the third day he was risen to the dead';...

    ';Jesus seated in the right hand of the father';......

    Ponder this words maybe it will englighten you........
    Read your own question and you will see that you have called Jesus a three in one person that is a trinity my friend.
    Then how is he a son of himself.

    ';As He was setting out on a journey, a man ran up to Him and knelt before Him, and asked Him, 鈥楪ood Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?鈥?And Jesus said to him, 鈥榃hy do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone.鈥?quot; Mark 10:17-18

    how do you explain that?

    NIV John 9:13

    13. Jesus answered, ';My teaching is not my own, it comes from the one who sent me.';

    and who was he talking to when he said:

    ';My God, My God, why has though forsaken me';

    I am not a christian, but rather a muslim, i believe he was a prophet. He was ';elevated'; to son of god and a god after he died by the 40 or so people that wrote the bible because of their love for him.

    God has no sons and has no partners.
    You are mistaken just because the doctrine of the Trinity is hard to grasp that does not make it false.

    And it's attested several times in the Bible although not explicitly.

    If you just go by the Bible alone you can come up with various exotic doctrines that are not Christian at all.

    God is indeed one, the Most Blessed Trinity to whom be glory forever, world without end.
    Super simple answer to this one: There is no God.
    No the Trinity is very real. Read John Chapter 1. There is only one Lord and His name is Jesus Christ God Almighty
    The trinity is true anything else is false teaching. When will you learn how to read scripture?
    Even the devil can quote scripture, goes the old saying. I'm sure there are counter biblical citations that people who believe in the trinity can provide. People have been dying and killing over ';is the three one'; or ';is the one three'; for centuries. To me, it is all ludicrous.
    Jesus was the son, when he arose from the dead he became the holy ghost. When Christ said he is within me he was stating that he was God in a manly form.
    If Jesus was God, who in the world was he praying to? Himself? That makes no since and seems a bit bi-polar. In the garden when Jesus asked God to remove this cup, but not his will be done but the Father's, what was that about? When Jesus said that the Father was greater than him, what was that about? When Jesus said that he and the Father are one, why did he leave out the Holy Spirit? Aren't they suppose to be three in one? Why is every sin forgiven except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Never not once did Jesus ever refer to himself as God, but as God's son he did repeatedly. How is it that Jesus did not know the hour when the world would end, only his Father knew?

    I do believe that God and Jesus and The holy Spirit work together, but the are three very separate. God being the one and only true God. Jesus his only begotten son, first creation of everything. The Holy Spirit being God's active force to help us.They are in union with one another, just as a husband and wife are one, but separate.
    Your question is a little confusing, but you are correct, Jesus is God.
    ya'll are all veyr wrong... If you practice proper hermenuetics, and interpret it correctly, you will see that the Bible states and explains the trinity... the Trinity is something that we cannot fully understand,, there is NO earthly comparisson. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are One, and there are many verses that show them as ONE. But also many more verses that show them seperatly. Like when Jesus was baptized, the holy spirit sat on His shoulder like dove and God was heard from Heaven sayin he was pleased.. Also Read Genisis.. there are many plurals mentioned when God talks. I know it's very hard to grasp that they are one and three,, but there are not 3 gods only one God. With 3 different functions. I have many more verses and examples if you need them i can get them to you, but belief in the Trinity (or not) can effect your salvation.!! So study carefully!! You really need to know who God is who Jesus Is and who the Holy Spirit is to really be ';full';
    God is one and not a trinity period!!

    Your full of crap
    why are you trying to convert Christians to the truth....we know the truth has set us are the blind one .....the trinity is the word...

    False conversion? Believism? Does ';Way of the Master'; teach this?

    Here is an extraction from the websites FAQ: ';I have just read The Way of the Master -- and I am scared that I'm not saved.';

    Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort run this website, along with the entire ministry.

    After reading some of their FAQ, one thing that stuck out was Kirks remarks about sinning a couple times after his conversion at age 17, and his repentance of them.

    Speaking for myself,if I am honest with myself, I sin much more than that. Thoughts, anger,speeding and other breaking of the law...which is what defines sin.

    It would seem to me that I would need to isolate myself on a desert island or other type of solitary confinement to avoid the carnal thoughts and influences I deal with daily.......and I doubt the island thing would help.

    Is there more to just believing that Jesus is Christ, the only begotten Son of God in order to be saved?

    What are some thoughts?False conversion? Believism? Does ';Way of the Master'; teach this?
    It is enough to just believe in Jesus. The ';sin counting'; and ';list keeping of sins'; is not biblical, in my opinion. Jesus died for all our sins past, present, and future.False conversion? Believism? Does ';Way of the Master'; teach this?
    All of the things you mentioned are common to the human being. We have a mind that registers things and character and emotion that acts out. The word being ';saved'; has been a stumbling block to many christians. We are being ';saved'; everyday that we improve ourselves and choose to become better persons and overcome personal character defects. I believe our aim as christians is to overcome these defects but it certainly is not a one-time thing and happens over a period of time. And certainly we are still ';saved'; as we are improving.
    Don't worry about it. Everyone has their own walk with God and everyone is at a different place with God in their walk. Some people sin less than others. The way of the master is very strict in how they describe how you should live, but it is not how Christ wants you to live. Yes He would like to see you obey the 10 commandments, but He knows we can't. Just recognize when you sin and ask for forgiveness. Just have a relationship with Christ. In the end, that is all that He wants. Do you really believe that Kirk and Ray don't sin? They do. Everybody does. The only One who walked this earth who didn't sin was Christ. Good luck.
    There is still a need for repentance after you become saved. But it is not for the purpose of salvation, it is for keeping yourself in a right and true relationship with God. Your sin has been forgiven, but your acknowledgment of current sin to God allows Him to work in your life to make you more like Jesus. That's the purpose we live for, to be more like Jesus and to glorify our Father. If you feel unsure of your salvation, it may be Satan, reminding you of your past to keep you from experiencing God's best for you while you are here on earth. When you sin (notice I did not say ';if';), admit it to God, ask Him to help you live a life that pleases Him and tell Satan to knock it off because He does not have an authority over you.

    ';You can't teach an old dog new tricks'; . . . True? or False?

    False';You can't teach an old dog new tricks'; . . . True? or False?
    False thanks to Mythbusters';You can't teach an old dog new tricks'; . . . True? or False?
  • formal hair
  • If we are taught, not to use double negatives, in school; then why is fiction false and nonfiction not false?

    Double negatives refer to negating words: not, never, nothing, nobody, etc. The purpose of this rule is to improve clarity. For example, ';He is not nobody'; or ';I never did nothing'; could mean two different things depending on whether you take one of the negations as a negation or an intensifier.

    OTOH, while fiction has an implication of falseness, there is much more to the meaning that just ';not true';. From fiction is ';An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented.';If we are taught, not to use double negatives, in school; then why is fiction false and nonfiction not false?
    These things have nothing to do with one another.

    A double negative is the result of poor grammar.

    Fiction and non-fiction are just words to describe different categories of writing.

    Why do these mega churches teach on financial stewardship and other false preaching?

    Im watching church on television and i have been hearing about these pastors that are only talking about how to make money and how to get in the kingdom of heaven if they give sufficient amount of money which is called the '; Prosperity gospel';.There are innocent people who are learning this and think that the only way to get into heaven is if you tithe into the church and to give to the pastor so they can have a mansion and a jet to fly to other churches to preach.

    I attend a non-denominational church and when I give my money, I know where my tithes and offerings are going because our pastor shows us where it is going to and does not hide it like Creflo Dollar and these other pastors! But what can I do to try to stop these big mega churches to stop using these innocent people for their money???

    Watch this video and you'll see what i mean!鈥?/a>Why do these mega churches teach on financial stewardship and other false preaching?
    I agree with you.

    It is really sad that churches get massive buildings with state-of-the-art equipment. Have big fancy suits, clothes, jewelry, cars, mansions, etc.

    Yet there are homeless people everywhere, starving children, people that will die tomorrow if they don't get a pill that costs $2, etc.

    Not that I have anything against any particular church or pastor. But in general I feel like they aren't being good stewards with the money they are being given. Many are just taking very large salaries, and living a life of extreme luxury.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with having money, or even being somewhat wealthy. But I think it is totally wrong convincing people that ';everything will be okay...just keep tithing.'; That isn't the way it works at all.

    God never promises wealth if you tithe to your preacher. He never promises an easy or stress free life if you believe in Him either. You must work hard to manage your finances properly, and you will have struggles and hardships whether you follow God's word or not.

    Great question though!Why do these mega churches teach on financial stewardship and other false preaching?
    Because they are stealing your money....oh, I mean you are giving it to them willingly.

    There really is nothing that you can do to stop it. Just dont support them and tell others to do the same.
    because they are businesses - tax exempt too$$$
    I am paraphrasing from the bible but it says ';you cannot serve both God and money for you will love one and hate the other';. Our medical community that was initially set up to genuinely help people has become big business. Our legislative community that was designed to bring balance and justice is now controlled by deep pocket lobbyists. The number one cause of death in America is ADR (adverse drug reaction) perpetrated by the pharmaceutical companies and their zealous quest for more and more money at the cost of American's lives. Greed has stained every corner of our society and nobody cries out until it affects them personally. I have been affected by all of this. We need to get at the root of the problem and realize our capitalist dream is severely off balance. Money has become our God and we have all lost a large part of our souls in exchange for the all mighty dollar. We all get mad at these charlatans posing as ambassadors of God. We don't trust our government. Everyone is screaming about doctor bills and health care reform. We complain about the cost of our medications and Big Pharma greed. We need to look at our contribution to the problems with our faulty mindsets and character defects. We all have a spiritual side and we need to start pursuing more spiritual goals instead of monetary goals. I know you want to stop these mega-churches and their false doctrines. There is a saying that says ';satan always overplays his hand';. People are becoming more aware of the sin of these churches and I am confident they will die out because of this awareness. More people are becoming disgusted with the ';prosperity gospel'; and are seeking a more spiritual approach to life.
    At the outset , I would like to appreciate your URL id for OBAMA which is really is superb and awesome . Congrats and let Almighty come to our rescue and Obama wins. Its my prayer too.

    Now about your question - U see, the area of work is framed for everybody and who so ever feel fit to do the work in the area where they work - they will always feels that they are right . It is their perception .

    Where as your thinking is different than them. Every individuals have the different thinking power and their area of work is also predetermined according to their destiny .

    Why to look and bother about the thoughts being menifested and not acceptatble to us . Try to avoid it . Do not look at it or ignore grossly as if you have not seen it to avoid pollution of thoughts. The way air and atmosphere with dust and smoke gets polluted - the things which we do not like pollute our mind.

    So we should ignore them - Let the world do the things they feel fit and let us do the things what we feel best .

    True or False?: Regarding the ';corresponing ransom'; Jesus paid , the Watchtower Society teaches that human...?

    life Jesus laid down in sacrifice was exactly equal to the human life Adam fell with.True or False?: Regarding the ';corresponing ransom'; Jesus paid , the Watchtower Society teaches that human...?

    Jehovah's Witnesses teach that Adam was created as a perfect human and through deliberate sin, he passed on imperfection to all his descendants.

    According to their teachings, the only way to fairly return mankind to perfection was to repay the debt Adam had created with the sacrifice of a perfect human life.

    To repay the debt, Jesus took the form of a human. Being the only perfect human, he was the only candidate to repay this debt. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that in death, Jesus opened to way for repentant humans to become perfect.

    When I was a Jehovah's Witness I often heard it explained in an analogy using a pair of old fashioned balance scales (the same a 'Justice' is suppose to hold). Adam's perfect human life prior to sin, could only be balanced by Jesus in human form. One of the publications even has a diagram depicting Jesus one side of the scales and Adam on the other, perfectly balancing each other.True or False?: Regarding the ';corresponing ransom'; Jesus paid , the Watchtower Society teaches that human...?
    So not only do you disagree with JW's, but Paul also.

    David is called 'the Savior'

    Jesus is a Savior the same as David.

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    Um, why ask a question to which you know the answer.

    Report Abuse

    Being that he is the Alpha and the Omega, I think that he over paid the price of humanity.

    Jesus as a perfect man could not cover more that the debt of Adam. what about EVE...If Jesus was just...A man,..... there would be a debt for EVE and the rest of humanity...God equalizes all things, and If Jesus were not divine, he would not have been enough sacrifice......Just like the Israelites could not sacrifice enough animals...use your mind not the WBTS mind...
    ';Regarding the ';corresponding ransom';Jesus paid ...

    Jesus [life] laid down in sacrifice was exactly equal to the human life Adam [lost].';


    ';Jehovah's perfect justice required 'soul for soul, eye for eye, tooth for tooth.' (Deuteronomy 19:21; Matthew 5:38) Hence, since Adam brought inherited death to all mankind by willfully disobeying God and so losing perfection of human life, another perfect human had to substitute for Adam in paying over his perfect life, to buy back what Adam had lost.';
    Sorry, but I don't read the tabloids. Which one was it in?
    It is not what JW's say, it is what Paul told us.

    (1 Corinthians 15:20-21) 20 However, now Christ has been raised up from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep [in death]. 21 For since death is through a man, resurrection of the dead is also through a man.

    (1 Corinthians 15:45) . . .The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.

    (1 Corinthians 15:47) 47 The first man is out of the earth and made of dust; the second man is out of heaven.

    Since Paul tells us, then it must be true.

    Interestingly, 1 Timothy 2:6 contains the only occurrence of a particular Greek term (';antilutron';) which many bibles oversimplify into English as merely ';ransom';. By contrast, a less specific Greek term (';lutron';) is used in other bible verses and is almost universally translated as ';ransom';.

    If Scriptures such as Matthew 20:28 and Mark 10:45 refer merely to the fact that Christ provided a ransom (a ';lutron';), what additional point was Paul making by his use of ';antilutron'; which might seem literally to mean ';preceding ransom';? Readers are invited to contrast the two different Strong's citations, shown. In both citations here, the emphasis is NOT added, but is Strong's.

    G487 ἀντίλυτρον antilutron an-til'-oo-tron ...a REDEMPTION PRICE

    G3083 λύτρον lutron loo'-tron ...something to LOOSEN with, that is, a redemption PRICE (figuratively ATONEMENT)

    The latter term makes the point that Christ's life was of value and was propitiatory (or ';atoning';). The prior, more specific, term makes the additional point that Christ's life was a ';redemption price';. Please consider that the nature of the term ';redemption'; seems rather plainly to indicate corresponding value.…

    [quote] re·demp·tion –noun

    5.repurchase, as of something sold.

    6.paying off, as of a mortgage, bond, or note.

    7.recovery by payment, as of something pledged.

    8.conversion of paper money into specie.


    Here is 1 Timothy 2:5-6, from a selection of translations...

    Douay-Rheims Bible

    For there is one God, and one mediator of God and men, the man Christ Jesus: Who gave himself a redemption for all

    Weymouth New Testament

    For there is but one God and but one Mediator between God and men--Christ Jesus, Himself man; who gave Himself as the redemption price for all

    New World Translation

    For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all

    Learn more:……

    Incidentally, Jehovah's Witnesses use multiple legal entities with names similar to ';Watchtower Society';. It is perhaps more accurate for commentators to point to either ';The Watchtower'; magazine or simply ';Jehovah's Witnesses'; as the source of some teaching of interest, rather than pretending that one among dozens of legal entities originates any teaching.
    It was an equivalent exchange.
    what religion is this? some cult or self belief based of off christianity
    uhmm, so if why he have to overpaid? if you have a balance a you put one pound in one side , why you are going to put 100 pounds in the other side to balance , is not logical.
    True and the bible says so.

    Antilutron - Greek Lexicon

    what is given in exchange for another as the price of his redemption

    The Ransom was a man.

    ';the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all ';

    New Topic: EVE

    The Bible says that sin entered the world through one man—not through the woman—even though Eve sinned first and led her husband into rebellion against God.

    Rom 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned

    Those who compromise the truth Jesus taught are really popular but does who do not are called false Christian?

    Do you agree?Those who compromise the truth Jesus taught are really popular but does who do not are called false Christian?
    Dear CD,

    Only those that Have the ';Holy Spirit'; are Real Christians, ALL OTHERS ARE FALSE!

    (Romans 8:9) You, however, are not of the flesh but under the control of the Spirit, since God's Spirit lives in you. = And if anyone = does not have the Spirit of Christ, = he does not belong to him.

    (Jude 1:17-18-19) But you, beloved, remember the words spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    (Jude 1:18) because they told you that at the last time there will be mockers according to their lusts, leading ungodly lives.

    (Jude 1:19) These are those setting themselves apart, animal-like ones, = = not having the Spirit.

    The ONE Test... is IF someone believes the Scripture, The Bible! The Holy Spirit living in the Real Christian... ';Validates the Bible!';

    (1Corinthians 2:14) But the = = natural man = = does not receive the things = = of the Spirit of God, = = for they are foolishness to him; = = neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

    Thanks for Asking! RRThose who compromise the truth Jesus taught are really popular but does who do not are called false Christian?
    How can the truth be compromised? Are people compromising the 'truth', or giving their own personal interpretation of scripture? Interpretation is just not for schooled Theologians anymore, the time of grace is over for them. The bible has always been interpreted from the male point of view, in fact the bible was written by men, even the book of Ruth. Women are told to keep their mouths shut because men don't want to hear a female interpretation on their book.
    Apparently being a ';true'; Christian mean that one writes in a nonsensical manner. Please learn to write at an eighth grade level before posting a question. You are representing your fellow ';true'; Christians and I'm sure they are sick of being represented by those who appear uneducated.
    Pretty much, yes.

    If you teach that salvation is only by faith alone in Jesus without any of your own works added, then you will be hated by catholics, ';lordship salvationists';, mormons, jw's, atheists, agnostics, buddhists, etc.
    You would have to be more specific for a real answer, but judging from your last sentence, I assume that you do not believe that we are saved by grace. In my opinion, that would make your theology faulty.
    Yes, I agree.

    Compromise is wrong.

    Why did Jesus Teach about How to spot a False Prophet?

    Please think before you answer this question.

    1. Jesus 1st states he will send you a comfortor who will teach you new things and guide you ... and that you should follow him.

    2. Jesus also said that he the comfortor won't come until he

    goes .... so that crosses out the Holy Spirit being the comfortor

    because he ';the holy spirit was already there with Jesus';

    3. Why would Jesus teach you how to spot a false prophet

    if he was gone to be the last prophet that you would follow

    he would just tell you all other prophets after me are false.

    4. Why is it so hard to accept the truth that the Prophet line of Abraham completed with the last Prophet Muhammad (SAW).Why did Jesus Teach about How to spot a False Prophet?
    1) He also tells the Holy Spirit will indwell you.

    2)The Holy Spirit did not indwell us until after Christ was gone also the Holy Spirit is to be with us forever.

    3) I never said Jesus was the last prophet but all prophets will agree and will agree wiht the word of God according to God.

    Jesus warned that those who did not believe him to be the Son of God was a false prophet and the sprit of antiChrist.

    4)Because all prophets are to be in agreement and of course in agreement with the word of God,

    We are instructed from the time of Moses to test a prophet and a spirit according to the words of the prophets and the known word of God.

    Read the true word of God and know for yourself Muhammad could not have been a prophet of God nor his god the righteous God of Abraham.

    Unless you believe Muhammad is Allah he can not possibly be the Holy Spirit which is the comforter who is with us forever.

    Muhamamd failed to follow the word of God even as far as testing the spirit he did not know.

    Had Muhammad followed the word of god and tested this spirit he ould have know this spirit disagreed with the word of God and would have been rejected.

    10:94 of your Qu'ran insructs Muhamamd to test his revelationa gainst the previous revelation to see that they are the same..

    2:41 tells the Jews this that I reveal confirms that which you have....

    If this is true then the Qu'ran is in agreement with the Bible.

    It is not.

    Jesus' teachings were in agreement with all of the prophets teaching against those who would teach a different gospel.

    The Qu'ran teaches a message that was not taught before Muhamamad and is contrary ot the teachings of all the previous prophets of God.

    Jesus taught that we must compre the teachings of the prophets to know his teachings.

    Jesus refered to the written words of Moses and to those who did nto believe his words.

    I believe these words of Christ reflect on teh teachings of Islam.

    John 5:38 And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not.

    39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

    40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.

    41 I receive not honour from men.

    42 But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you.

    43 I am come in my Father鈥檚 name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.

    44 How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only?

    45 Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust.

    46 For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.

    47 But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?

    Who calles the Torah (words of Moses) corrupt?

    What id Jesus say of these?

    47 But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?Why did Jesus Teach about How to spot a False Prophet?
    ';Because Jesus CHRIST, himself was spoken of as a false

    prophet, one of the ancient prophets, or having a demon.';

    ';Only one person ever said to him, 'You are the CHRIST'!';

    ';And I do mean, ONLY ONE PERSON, EVER.';

    ';That, 'If you are really the CHRIST?', doesn't count to me.';
    If you look in your computer type in your search engine,

    messengers of god you will find that there has been to more messengers of god after Muhammad ,One a descendant of Mohamed.The other a descendant of Abraham through Abrahams third wife
    You're mistaken about #2.

    #4: because there are a lot more holes in the Islamic teachings than in Christianity
    He was trying to stop people from following him. He hates popularity i guess.
    Maybe his Father taught him what would happen in the future %26amp; he was trying to warn us.
    He was Admitting guilt?

    god hates us all
    great question... God bless you :)
    Because A good Shepard ( Jesus) does not want a flase Shepard (Satin) stealing his sheep ( followers of Him;Jesus)

    We will know them by there fruits. a bad tree dose not produce good fruits. or a good tree produce bad fruits.

    this is found in in the book of Matthew chapter 7 verse 15 to verse 23 . Please pray with an open heart to Jesus then read it for your self. there is so much infomation.Remember Jesus wants to keep all people safe. Hell was not intended for people;but for Satin and his Angles. So he wants to see us to heaven. So he can have the Farther God see us as follower of Him( Jesus) not the sinners that we all are.

    Oh and if you say you are not a sinner well ok then you do not need Jesus. you will do ok in front of God by your self.
    #1%26amp;2. That, in fact is holy spirit. His disciples were able to accomplish many things so long as Jesus was on earth. In order for them to continue their work, they would need that holy spirit. It operated with them in full when Jesus was no longer there which allowed the to fully accomplish their ministry and remain faithful even in the faith of death. Before, they had spirit but they also had Jesus in their midst. Kind of like being able to do a top job without the boss being there.

    John chapters 16 %26amp;17 gives you an indication of why they would need the fully active holy spirit after Jesus was gone.

    3. Note that Jesus said ';false prophets';. That indicated that there would no longer be prophets. Many during that time and today believe that Jesus was not the messiah but a prophet. So that was a warning that there would be ones that would pop up stating that they were a prophet with the intention of misleading people. There are some that really believe they are prophets but now that we have the complete bible, mankind doesn't need a prophet to tell them what's going to happen in the future, to mediate between God and man or instruct us in how to serve God (1 Corinthians 13:8-10)

    4. I cannot speak on this item simply because there have been many studies done on Muhammad's prophecies and have found them to be inaccurate. The prophecies involving Abraham all point to Jesus Christ and God's holy nation, a fullfillment that went beyond the nation of Israel and confirms things that have occured in our time.
    He installed spiritual leaders to guide and direct us to do the right thing from the apostle Paul to Timothy.

    Then he said there would be a great falling away so we had to know that bible to be able to discern who was true and who was false.

    There will always be ministerial servants and deacons and elders and priests. But we were not to worship a man.

    1Timothy 3:2 said he would be a husband of one wife.

    1 timothy 4:2 to stay away from those forbidding men to marry. That excludes polygamist religions, and religions that spiritual leaders do not marry.

    You said he established the rules, those are the rules.

    Ones who desired to be worshipped were the very ones we were warned to stay away from.

    Also, from ones who were violent, and wanting to start wars.

    Jesus was not a prophet, he was the first creation of the father and as such was a co-ruler in heaven with the father.

    He is to be king, messiah, ransomer and redeemer and apart from Jesus there is no savior.

    (Colossians 1:15-20) 15聽He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; 16聽because by means of him all [other] things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All [other] things have been created through him and for him. 17聽Also, he is before all [other] things and by means of him all [other] things were made to exist, 18聽and he is the head of the body, the congregation. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that he might become the one who is first in all things; 19聽because [God] saw good for all fullness to dwell in him, 20聽and through him to reconcile again to himself all [other] things by making peace through the blood [he shed] on the torture stake, no matter whether they are the things upon the earth or the things in the heavens.

    (Revelation 3:14) 14聽鈥淎nd to the angel of the congregation in La路o路di路ce麓a write: These are the things that the Amen says, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation by God,

    (Acts 7:55) 55聽But he, being full of holy spirit, gazed into heaven and caught sight of God鈥檚 glory and of Jesus standing at God鈥檚 right hand,

    Did H.A. Ironside teach ';easy believism'; in his book ';Holiness: The False and The True'; ?

    ';Easy believism'; is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't know why people feel the need to attack it that way.

    Salvation is by only believing in Jesus alone to save. If that's not ';good enough'; to save, then everybody is going to hell, no matter what.
  • formal hair
  • Mormons... did Joseph Smith jr. truly teach that transmigrations of the soul is false doctrine?

    Do you know what this means? did he teach the words of God or was it his Presumption to teach this doctrine.? its not in the D%26amp;C but it is in his collected works... what say anyone who is true?Mormons... did Joseph Smith jr. truly teach that transmigrations of the soul is false doctrine?
    He was a very strange man and devious as all hell.

    Read up on the Mountain Meadows Massacre it is a bit of Mormon history that they try to supress.…Mormons... did Joseph Smith jr. truly teach that transmigrations of the soul is false doctrine?
    Is humanity ready to hear the truth ?

    No matter what is the questions or the answers and no matter what we think we are or what we thinks about who we are ,meaning either prisoner or the warden , rich or poor, you eat meat or beans you love or you hate you except or reject ,leftist or rightist , black or white ,religious or atheist, and all other species living with us on planet earth and beyond which we all share a common bond that's we are really one ,but there is a down side to our existence a hidden secret which kept from us and they continue to suppress the truth and to protect their system of deception from crumbling , and humanity will be free ,but are you really wants to know ,are you ready , I hope so ,and I hope SO called man in authority read it and TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE GAME IS AGAINST ALL OF US , HERE COMES THE TRUTH MY FRIENDS THAT WE ALL LIVING ON THIS PLANET AS A GUINEA PIGS , LIKE REALLY ANIMAL FARM FOR EXPERIMENTS. PURE AND SIMPLE LABORATORY
    The only thing I've heard about this was on my mission. I was talking with another missionary and he mentioned that Joseph Smith had been heard wondering out loud ';I wonder what I did in my previous lives.'; The missionary pointed out that Joseph said lives. I don't know the source of that quote or anything, so I've never really accepted it.
    “I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me. . . . When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!” ( Joseph Smith—History 1:16–17).

    read for your self here ---%26gt;…
    I believe Joseph Smith was a prophet, but that doesn't mean I have to believe everything he thought or said was inspired or that his choice of breakfast or shirt color was divine.

    If you're talking about reincarnation in the eastern sense, what Mormons believe is quite different.
    I am not familiar with any writings about this topic. The fact that it is not in the D%26amp;C is the most relevant point. Joseph considered a lot of things that he could have mentioned in passing. We all engage in idle speculation about topics like Heavenly Mother. Since not even the prophets have been given much information on this, there is no complete doctrine. Any revealed doctrine was usually phrased as being spoken by the Lord.
    Could you reference this -- which collected work where.

    As I understand ';transmigrations of the soul'; it means reincarnation.

    We believe in a literal Resurrection where we will all be resurrected and restored to our bodies (and will then live forever and never die again).

    But reincarnation where one is literally born again and again in different forms and bodies -- we believe to be false.

    No offense to those who believe it is true.

    Actually, he's dead on with his translations ---- the Hebrew word used in the OT that is translated to ';soul'; is just another word for a living creature.

    There no eternal everliving afterlife vessel associated with it.

    The current Judeo/Christian concept of a soul has more in common with Greek culture.

    If a False Prophet can work miracles, Preach, Teach and appear even as if he was righteous?

    How do you draw the line between and true Prophet, Preacher, Teacher and a false ?

    2Co 11:14 -

    And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

    15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be (( TRANSFORMED AS THE MINISTERS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS ))

    2Pe 2:1 -

    But there were false prophets also among the people, (( EVEN AS THERE SHALL BE FALSE TEACHERS AMONG YOU ))

    Re 13:14 -

    ( ( AND DECEIVETH THEM THAT DWELL IN THE EARTH BY THE MEANS OF THOSE MIRACLES WHICH HE HAD POWER TO DO ))If a False Prophet can work miracles, Preach, Teach and appear even as if he was righteous?
    The Bible is not 100% true. If you believe so, you have been deluded, as surely as these 'False Prophets' you believe intend you to be.

    If you believe the bible to be true, you believe that God can change, as in the Old Testament he was full of wrath, and vengeance upon non-believers, yet in the New Testament he is more tolerant, and preaching love of thy enemy. Do you believe your God would wish pain, and suffering on someone who does not believe, through his own ignorance or others' misguidance? The Old Testament would suggest that he would, yet the New Testament suggest he would not. Which is it to be?

    If you believe that God CAN change his temperament, then how do we know he hasn't changed his mind yet again in the past thousand years?

    The Bible is a collection of stories written by MAN in order to educate masses about a religion. If God is real, we are presumptuous to believe we would understand his message, and properly document it, and preserve it uncorrupted, for thousands of years. Man is fallible, and therefore the bible cannot be trusted to be the original message a god would have given us.

    You want to know the truth about God, and life after death? Stop worrying, live your life in a manner in which you feel is good, and you will find out on the day you die whether you were correct. That day will come.

    I don't expect a reasonable debate here, by the way, only religious rhetoric and blindness. I hope your blindness brings you the peace most of us crave, yet are too intelligent to find in organized religion.If a False Prophet can work miracles, Preach, Teach and appear even as if he was righteous?
    Thanks, but I think you missed my point :) Jesus, again was a man. Not a god. He never claimed to be a 'Son' of God, merely a prophet. If your god exists, then he would not have come down from 'heaven' and decided to pick up a pen and write a book. The Bible was written by Man, and therefore suspect

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    If satan himself can appear as an angel of light, how do you discern the spirits? No evil force can ever bring the spirit of peace or blessedness. Only God and His angels can bring that. No matter what happens, even if you see angels descending from heaven above, if you feel anything other than total and complete peacefulness and blessedness, this is not of God. Flee it. As for people who preach and teach false things, you have to know the Bible, the Canons of Faith which teach the proper application of the Scriptures and you have to know God. Good luck with all that.
    I interpret that situation as if the people involved deny the Jesus that died on the cross for our sins 2000+ years ago ... theyre false. Also if theyre preaching that you need to break out your wallet and cough up some cash to be righteous ... theyre false or at least in error as they pull out of the parking lot in their beemer.
    Compare what they say, to what the Bible says.

    The Bible always wins, since the Bible is the absolute Word of God and is 100% true.
    Well Christ was selfless and it seems that false ones want your money or your support.
    1Jo 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

    Gods Word Testifies of Himself......and One needs to abide and read and stay in GODS WORD whom Jesus Is.............thats how WE Know His Voice (Word) and a stranger (False prophet) we will Not Follow !!!

    One Must study to show themselves approved......for as its written ;';Isaiah 28:9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

    10For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

    11For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.

    12To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.

    13But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.

    If its Not Gods Word, it isnt of God whom Jesus Is !!

    Did any of you have parents who taught you that evolution is false.?

    When you got an education what did you think about them? Did you understand that they just lacked education or do you think they chose ignorance and tried to make you that way too?

    I, honestly, don't remember ever having a discussion about evolution with my parents. My father is a very intelligent man who finished a 30 year career in the Air Force as a Colonel. If I had gone to him and stated the earth is 10,000 years old and dinosaurs walked with Adam and Eve, he would have laughed in my face.Did any of you have parents who taught you that evolution is false.?
    I was raised as a JW and they are very much creationists. I was afraid to take biology class in high school because I thought I would have to 'lie' about evolution being true on tests. When I went to college, I still had that 'fear' of evolution and losing faith in God and so I avoided biology classes. I so regret that because now that I am out of that religion and thinking for myself, I know what I missed. I have since read about it and the many ideas surrounding the mechanisms.

    As far as my parents go, I think they were brainwashed by the JWs to believe or get out. I think they chose ignorance because they thought they had to, and then they believed the ignorance and 'taught' it to me. Did any of you have parents who taught you that evolution is false.?
    I vaguely remember my mom being annoyed that they were teaching about evolution in my science class, but it was never an issue. She's a very intelligent woman who simply hasn't studied a lot of that stuff. The older she gets, the more open-minded she is.

    She also didn't like it when our social studies books taught about religious beliefs other than Christianity. Her opinions on that have changed dramatically, too.
    Yes of course. My parents loved me enough to tell me the truth. In the beginning God created the heaven %26amp; the earth..This truth has been handed down from parents to children since the beginning of time. Unfortunately there are many who refuse to believe the truth . You and your father appear to be two who do refuse.

    You think you are intelligent because you do not believe in creation?

    Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

    I was taught evolution in primary school. My parents never told me that it was false. What I was grateful for and still is today is that they taught me that God is love and that the creation story is true. Now that I could use my brain and research for myself between evolution and creation; I came to the conclusion that God is real and creation is also.
    No. To be perfectly honest we never really discussed it.

    My father is a Deist with a degree in chemistry. Science was not my mother's bag, but she was a smart lady.

    I spent my childhood watching nature shows. I know some religious people say they see gods work in nature. I saw the majesty of nature and evolution just made sense to me. You don't even need any formal science degree to see how species are related and a god never came into my picture. Evolution wasn't even formally taught when I was in High School. It wasn't till years later in college I had any kind of formal education in evolution.
    My folks are super old-school, pre-Vatican II Catholics that don't believe anything the Pope or the Bible doesn't tell them. They are biblical literalists. I was sent to Catholic boarding school my entire life ... and I don't think I once discussed evolution (or really science at all, for that matter) with them.

    My being an atheist is a huge deal ... my being a grad student in evolutionary biology/marine science is horrifying to them - especially when topics on the origins of life come up.

    We just don't talk about it anymore. It gets ugly. And I really hate to see my folks worked up. I'd like to think they are smart. What they do know and believe, they know well. They are just selectively intelligent, I suppose. Willfully ignorant, for sure. But I love them and their old school ways nonetheless :)
    ';Did any of you have parents who taught you that evolution is false.?'; - I did not. My parents separated religion from state, and stayed out of my education, except to get my homework done on time. It was my responsibility to learn and prepare for my life, with their help I think I am doing pretty good. My parents understand GOD works mysteriously, and that the gifts we are given help understand our planet, universe, and used to help each other live better.


    My parents are very religious fundamentalist protestants, and neither went to a day of high school, but both were smart enough to know that the mysteries of creation of the universe and its life were beyond simple story book explanations.

    They believed God is ultimately responsible for it all, and that was enough. They never wanted to ignore or argue with basic science.

    If we could only get back to such farmer-style common sense.
    I was taught that both creationism and evolution were true to an extent. It was up to me to decide what that extent was. At the time, it was rather confusing as each theory seemed to contradict on many levels. But, now I'm very thankful that I wasn't given only one ';truth';. It gave me the Independence to search for my own answers.
    Nope they sent me to church, Never need to ask about evaluation because the school crammed it down my throat, so they thought. On my test day the Questions on Evaluation ,I wrote out the truth from the Bible,LOL . She didn't mark them wrong,LOL. I know this my parent my mother is no longer here, but I know she would say the devil will deceive whom ever lets him do so. D+evil=Devil and God+o=good. the Bible mentions of a story before the cleansing of the earth(Noah and the Flood) of the Fowls (UFO possible,lol) having wrong relations with humans and having children that looked thousands of years older then their parents. Noah did live 950 years, and we now only could live 120 years if we obey the Laws of the word and stay healthy. Note in the first 4 books of the Bible their are 613 Laws, now some of witch were for those days Most of witch are still needed today. And even God has his top 10 list ,LOL.
    My parents didn't tell me a thing about evolution, What I learned about evolution I learned in high school and college (I did used to be a biology major), and looking at the ';facts'; to support evolution, I'd personally have to say that people and really really REALLY making a HUGE stretch to call it a scientific fact. I came to these conclusions on my own by carefully looking at the arguments and supposed evidence for evolution, and i'm sad to say that it really all falls short.
    My Dad was a science teacher and my Mom was a nurse. We had tons of literature lying about the house, but the most we got out of them was nagging about getting the chores done and saying our daily prayers, and our prayers at meal times and our prayers when we slept and when we woke.....nothing about evolution at all. The nuns didn't make any such fuss either. It was a school subject, like Music or Shakespeare
    Yes. My fundie parents taught me that god did it. I used to think they were the smartest and most honest people in the world when I was a young child. I was so deeply hurt and disappointed when I learned otherwise. The whole santa thing (and other lies) didn't help either.
    My father, who believes in Christ but is not a member of any denomination, believes in evolution.

    My mother, Catholic, never showed any interest in talking about it.

    Neither of them ever told me evolution was false.
    No, evolution is true. Evolution theory is a theory and not a fact. They did not think we evolved the way the evolutionary theory guesses it. My family believes in the Bible record
    No, although I had a babysitter who was a YEC. I was four or five and obsessed with dinosaur books, and we got in an argument about carbon dating.

    Yeah, I was a weird kid.
    They have to be taught that nonsense at an early age and be made terrified by stories like Noah and Elisha and the bears to keep from questioning it .
    My parents didn't really acknowledge it one way or the other. My mother had some sort of wacky doublethink mentality where she believed both science and Genesis... probably as a lot of Christians do.
    No, thank pasta! My parents are atheists. They mostly let me figure it out for myself (with the help of the public school system).
    i originally tried to argue against evolution with my dad (christian) and lost, horribly. now i understand evolution
    i don't think my parents have any idea of evolution nor do they care. they don't talk about it.
    My parents told me the evolution fairy tale to help me sleep at night.
    No. But then, neither of my parents knew dick about science, so they never really mentioned the subject at all.
    Nope, my parents were educated too.

    My dad has his MBA from Harvard.

    And no. He doesn't think the earth is 6000 years old.
    No. My parents did not lie to me.
    my parents let me decide for myself
    my parents never made it an issue
    No. I figured it out myself (with God's help).

    On another subject, I was just looking at your profile and your quote from Abraham Lincoln. I would like to point out that Lincoln was not converted until shortly before his death. He grieved a long time over the death of his son and one day a Christian was talking to him and reminded him that he would see his son again in heaven. It was at that moment that he ';saw the light'; and trusted Christ. So it doesn't surprise me that he made a remark like that in earlier years.

    my mother was atheist

    and public schools taught me what to believe.

    which is evolution

    it was the appearance of jesus in a vision of glory that proved to me that evolution is wrong.

    the book of genesis says that God created man to till the earth. he created man from the dust, the mud and elements of the earth. He created EVE from the rib of adam. NOPE created beings both of them.