Friday, February 12, 2010

Are children being taught something that has been proven over and over to be false.?

What will be the impact on theses children's future?

I shudder to think!

';This Memorial Day, the religious right will launch one of the most outrageous campaigns to date in their war on science: the $27 million “Creation Museum” in Petersburg, Kentucky.

The “Museum,” which was built by the religious right organization Answers in Genesis (AiG), is dedicated to the falsehood that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, claims that humans and dinosaurs coexisted a few thousand years ago, and has but one goal: to institutionalize the lie that science supports these fairytales.

This institution is only the most recent example of the religious right's war on science education - whether in the form of anti-evolution stickers in textbooks or the promotion of intelligent design in the classroom.';Are children being taught something that has been proven over and over to be false.?
Hopefully some kids will shake off the bug of religious/creationist nonsense, just like they do Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy.Are children being taught something that has been proven over and over to be false.?
Opinions are like heads--everybody has at least one. Why do you fear another opinion. You cannot say scientifically they are wrong. You can only say you differ--if you are a true scientist
Creation hasn't been proven false, ever. However, if you think evolution is true, then prove that life can come from nonlife without intelligent direction or produce ten mutations that produce genetic information. You need millions, but we'll start with ten. Everyone has axioms, things they assume to be true, and based on those they interpret evidence. You assume God doesn't exist, creationists assume He does. The fact that there are cultures all over which have accounts of there being a worldwide flood indicates that there was one. In addition, fossils found in sedimentary rock shows there was one, for something to fossilize, it must be buried quickly, otherwise animals will eat the flesh and the bones will deteriorate. A flood would bury them quickly, being left out to be buried over a few months wouldn't.
No, actually they are being taught something that has been proven over and over to be accurate.

Also, ';the religious right will launch one of the most outrageous campaigns to date in their war on science'; is far from accurate. It might be perceived as a war on evolutionism, but that is hardly science as a whole.
Yours is only one opinion of many..

Because the religious right is RIGHT and don't worry you haven't seen the rest of the iceberg yet because the truth will not be stopped. Yes dinos and humans walked this planet together and yes we have 6 to 7 thousand years since creation..

What you don't realise or want to hear is that SCIENCE PROVES THE BIBLE.
Science has proved nothing. So why do you get upset when someone sets the record straight. C.S. Lewis says science keeps repeating the same experiments until the scientist believe them to be true even though they are not.
i CHOOSE to believe in creation. i respect science. the two can co exist for me because --I don't have to have all the answers-- to be happy. i find science fascinating. i also find creation and our Creator fascinating.

parents need to teach their children to the best of their ability and knowledge and ultimately the child will learn and choose their own beliefs. i know that my children are taught many different things and i also know that what i have taught them, has a strong impact on them.

why do we have to prove one right and the other wrong or vice versa?

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