Monday, February 8, 2010

Exactly what is false that a jehovah witness teaches?

Tell me what you thinkExactly what is false that a jehovah witness teaches?
Like all non-Christian cults, the Jehovah's Witness organization distorts the essential doctrines of Christianity. It denies the deity of Christ, His physical resurrection, and salvation by grace. This alone makes it non-Christian. To support its erring doctrines, the Watchtower organization (which is the author and teacher of all official Jehovah's Witness theology), has even altered the Bible to make it agree with its changing and non-Christian teachings.

Typical with cults that use the Bible to support its position is a host of interpretive errors:

Taking verses out of their immediate context.

Refusing to read verses in the entire biblical context.

Inserting their theological presuppositions into the text.

Altering the Biblical text to suit their needs.

Latching onto one verse to interpret a host of others.

Changing the meanings of words.

Proclaiming some passages to be figurative when they contradict their doctrines.

Adding to the Word of God.

Additionally, the Jehovah's Witness organization requires of its members regular weekly attendance at their ';Bible Study'; meetings where they are repeatedly indoctrinated with anti-Christian teachings. This is done by reading the Watchtower magazine, following along with what it says, reading the questions it asks, and reciting the answers it gives. In other words, the Watchtower Organization carefully trains its members to let the Organization do their thinking for them.

The Witnesses are told they will be persecuted when they go door to door teaching their doctrines. They are further told that this is simply the enemy fighting against God's organization because they are in ';the truth.'; So, when someone disagrees with them, they are conditioned to reflect on what the Watchtower has told them. They then feel confirmed in being in God's true organization on earth (like all cults claim). They are strongly encouraged to have friends and acquaintances that are only JWï's, thereby keeping outside examination to a minimum. They are told to shun those who leave their group, that way, there is no way to see why someone has left and no way to find out that they are in error from those who have found the truth in Christ. They are conditioned to shy away from any real biblically knowledgeable person. Critical examination of their doctrines is not encouraged by the Watchtower Organization.

The Jehovah's Witnesses consider themselves to be Christians because they believe they are serving the true and living God. Like many cults, they think they are the only true church on earth. Yet, they deny the Trinity, the deity of Christ, the personhood of the Holy Spirit, Jesus' physical resurrection, and salvation by grace through faith.

The Jehovah's Witnesses are discouraged from looking into Jehovah's Witness history or old Watchtower literature which is replete with contradictions, altered doctrines, and false prophecies. Instead, they are indoctrinated repeatedly against basic Christian doctrines (Trinity, deity of Christ, etc) and into the notion that they alone are the true servants of God and that all others are either in ';Christendom'; or simply unbelievers.

Primarily, the Jehovah's Witness organization is a mind control organization that uses its people to pass out literature and send in ';donations'; to the headquarters in Brooklyn, New York.

';Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible.'; The Watchtower, Oct. 1, 1967. p. 587.

The Watchtower organization of the Jehovah's Witnesses is a non-Christian organization that uses its people to promulgate false doctrines, and collects ';contributions'; for distribution of a multitudinous amount of literature, and expand its grip into the lives of its members and their families.

It is a non-Christian cult.

God Bless!

P.s. Most Jw will deni anything said about the Watchtower from a Non JW. Every non Jw is said to be a liar but they can't show how we are lying!Exactly what is false that a jehovah witness teaches?
They teach that only a select group of individuals receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit and they are the only ones who are trustworthy to interpret the bible. They teach that those same individuals are the only ones who can take part in the Lord's Supper. Both of these teachings are directly opposed to biblical teaching. There are many more things but I will leave it at that.
Nothing that a Jehovah's Witness teaches is false

Everything we teach is from the bible (any translation) so anyone who says what we believe is false, is actually saying the scriptures are false.

Let me use an example...

The bible specifically shows that Jesus isn't God but a separate personality. Look at Matthew 24:36 %26amp; you willl see that Jesus didn't know something that his Father knew. If they were the same, then Jesus would have known too
How about all they stand for and teach ? They exclude themselves from the body of Christ, therefore are a cult, essential Christian doctrines are denied, trinity[1st john 5:7] if three is not a trinity, I will go back to school. Promise. They claim to have the only truth and say all others are false, they deny Jesus is God the son, they have their own revised bible[new world translation[those would be enough] they have made false predictions about the end of the world and armageddon, they worship on Saturday[mandatory] they are not born again[Jesus said you must be] John 3:3] their bible is a jehovah book, not a Jesus book, Jesus will be the judge of all[not Jehovah God] John 5:22:23 144,000 are low numbers in heaven, there will be more than a man can count[hundreds of millions] 144,000 are 12,000 jews out of 12

tribes who preach the gospel during the great tribulation on the earth

[or finish preaching it] they will also be caught away into heaven also.

That was for starters; when they come to my door and I am glad when they do; I consider them poor lost misguided sinners who need the lord also, I am nice to them and tell them what the bible really says and that they are indeed in a false cult. Hope this helps[lots of experience] thank God !
If someone teaches all Jehovah's Witnesses once saved is always saved, that is false.

If a Jehovah's Witness teaches that all Christians go to heaven, that is false.

If a Jehovah's Witness teaches that Jesus is God himself, that is false.

If a Jehovah's Witness teaches trinity doctrine, that is false.

If a Jehovah's Witness teaches hellfire does exist and bad people will be tormented forever and ever, that is false.

If a Jehovah's Witness teaches that evil continued to exist to balance out the goods, that is false.

If a Jehovah's Witness teaches Jehovah's Day will never come, that is false.

If a Jehovah's Witness teaches all religion will lead to God as long as you do good, that is false.……

These two websites give a comprehensive presentation of the difference between what the Bible teaches and what the Watchtower teaches.
Wow, where do I start? I will start by saying ';BEWARE';. Some of the people seem to be very nice, but they are brainwashed and manipulated by the ';society'; in New York. Some do come to their senses and ';get out'; but there are still many that behave like sheeple unable to think for themselves.

It's all dicated to them by their cult leaders at the Watchtower Society in New York. I used to be one (a witless) for many years of my life, but discovered that this organization is not from God, so while I am still young I was able to leave. I see them from time to time but I don't like to communicate with them because of the staunch hypocrisy ridden throughout the organization. I wish they would just steer clear of me as I do of them.

The faithful and discreet slave class, otherwise known as the ';Governing Body'; (10 businessmen and lawyers) in New York, have made up their own rules of things you can and cannot do as one of the members of this cult. They won't say it's a cult, but I wasted many years of my life thinking it was the truth. %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;---- These are things the 10 biz men and lawyers (Governing Body, AKA: Faithful and Discreet Slave Class - of the group of only 144,000 that only get to go to heaven -- all being only Jehovah's Witlessness) thunk up that which Witnesses cannot do. It's outrageous because God gave us free will, not to be dictated upon by shoddy and shady, lying lawyers who call themselves also ';The Faithful and Discreet Slave Class';, meaning they are the ones worthy of heaven. JW's believe that only 144,000 people out of the 7.1 Billion within the whole earth, are going to heaven, and that all 144,000 are from Jehovah's Witnesses .. of the ';heavenly class';.

Yes, out of 7 Billion people in the earth, only 144,000 are going to heaven and these ones are only of you got it, Jehovah's Witlessness. No other people in any other religion [or not] are part of the 144,000 from earth who will go to heaven; only 144,000 of the Witless klan they preach.

Let's see, what else can you expect?…

History of shame:…

Ex-Jehovah's Witlessness:…

They even used to belong to the United Nations a government agency that they so preach against constantly.… It's all a farce and built on the spiritism of basically 2 white men, first Russell, then Rutherford, who self-appointed himself a judge though he is not really a true judge, who claimed to have received ';inaudible'; messages from God. In other words ';brain farts'; from God. Sorry to be harsh like that, but that is what their organization preaches against is spiritism and yet that is what the organizational cult is originated from.

Russell, the founder of the cult, was very busy in his marriage, committing adultery with many servant girls and the assistant to him at the Watchtower Society:…

Charles Taze Russell files:…

I dove in without asking deep questions, and I found out too little too late that I was duped and this is NOT from God at all. God gave us free will.
That Jesus is an ordinary man and even lower than the angels.

Now here' s for you to ponder or for any JW to twist: Jesus is the human body of God and yet He is God the Son.

Background for you to consider:

His Hebrew real name: Yehoshua has the form of a compound of ';Yeho-'; and ';shua';: Yeho- יְהוֹ is another form of יָהו Yahu, a theophonic element standing for the personal name of God YHWH, and שׁוּוֹשֻׁעַ shua‘ is a noun meaning ';a cry for help';, ';a saving cry';, that is to say, a shout given when in need of rescue. Together, the name would then literally mean, ';God is a saving-cry,'; that is to say, shout to God when in need of help.

Edit 1: Big Brown, I have a burning question [seems no one is interested]. These 144k is also being claimed by the Mormons, 7day Adventist and a church of christ in the Philippines. Have you heard what JW say [before you left] about this. Or should we just allocate 1/4 amongst them.. thus the JW get 36,000. What you say...
i ask myself that question but i get answers from the bible to prove what i believe thru my studies w/JWs. many people hating because their religion is crumbling or just don't want to know the truth. we don't debate with people but show sincere ones why we believe what we do from the bible
Depends on whom you ask.

I am a Christian, one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Clearly, if someone is of another belief/belief system, and their view/views are diametrically opposed to mine, they will feel/view mine as wrong/false.
Anyone who gives an answer to this question should be required to PROVE that what the Jehovah's Witness teaches is false.

Personal opinion is insufficient. I want to see definitive proof that it is false.
1.Only 144,000 go to heaven. The rest live forever on earth. 2. It is against gods law to have a blood transfusion. 3. The trinity is a pagan belief. 4. Jesus died on a stake not a cross. That is 4 the list is endless.
That the Bible verse ';You must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh'; does not apply to a steak, but must be followed to the letter when their child needs a life-saving blood transfusion.…
Hell is not real. Hades , sheol, gehenna and tartaras are all Greek words in refernce to hell in all new testament manuscripts. They deny hell. 144,000 thing. ask JW which tribe they are from. endless list
they are against the since for example sines and most of the religions are agree that there will be end of the earth or World but they say will lase for ever..
Jehovah Witnesses teach from the bible, free from man's false

doctrines and traditions.
Other than everything?
um, could you make this a multiple choice? How many non jW's do you think know EVERYTHING that JW's teach?
Here's my answer:
They teach that Jesus is the arkangel Michal. This can not be true. Angels are even loewer than us.
All of it.

The bible is a dark ages story about a giant invisible sky fairy. There was no such thing as the bible before the dark ages. The last insane despot Roman emperor Constantine brought into being. It is a mangled mess of the Jewish, Mithratic and Celtic belief Systems and makes a mockery of all of them.

Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.
People say the below information is false...but never say why is false.

Under the rule of Jesus Christ and his heavenly corulers, peace and happiness will prevail in all the earth. (Psalm 37:9-11) Those in God's memory will be resurrected and will enjoy perfect health. (Acts 24:15) By their faithfulness to God, obedient mankind will be granted what our original parents lost—everlasting life in human perfection on a paradise earth.—Revelation 21:3, 4.

n the Bible book of Isaiah, we get a preview of what life will be like in the Paradise earth. No inhabitant of Paradise will say, ';I am sick.'; (Isaiah 33:24) Animals will pose no danger to man. (Isaiah 11:6-9) People will build beautiful homes and inhabit them and will plant crops and eat to satisfaction. (Isaiah 65:21-25) Moreover, God ';will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces.';—Isaiah 25:8.

Angels are even lower than us????...

Where in the bible says that?? says otherwise

The biggest lie is that Jesus Christ isn't God???...So Jesus is his own father???...Cause Jesus is son of God almighty.....not God almighty unless he is his father
The biggest lie is that Jesus Christ isn't God. They think that He was the Arch angel Michael.
god is false .. the buybull is false

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