Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why does religion teach false doctrine?

Because they are under the control of the father of the lie...Satan. They do not have a correct understanding of the Bible.Why does religion teach false doctrine?
R u really shane? asking ur own questions and answering them urself?

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Why does religion teach false doctrine?
What religion are you referring to?
What specifically are you referring to? Please list an example.
To mislead you, this is the work of the devil.
Because all religions are myths.
I love it when people compare religion to science, as though its somehow a superior form of knowledge. All scientific knowledge is provisional, which means that its subject to being disproven by a further advance in theory. Adherence to scientific theory is no less religious than any form of god-bothering.

Anyhoo, I reckon you get onto precarious ground asserting 'false doctrine' unless you can disprove the general assertions of the belief system. Most theology refers to some god-entity. You can't 'disprove' the existence of god and therefore can't assert 'falseness' of any doctrine that refers to it.

So whats your doctrine? Everyone has one. Im not talking about religion, Im talking about your core beliefs about the 'reality' of the world and your existence in it. What makes you think your doctrine is any less 'false' than that of a religion?

Can you prove it?
What doctrine are you talking about? There are MANY doctrines.
what religion? thats a very broad and general question when there are so many religions with different doctrine.

Edit: Well I am LDS and I believe it to be true. You dont have to agree.
false according to you
Reject False Religion.

Through false religion, Satan and his demons do not want people to serve God. They want to turn everyone away from God if they can. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) A religion is false if it does not teach the truth from the Bible. False religion is like false money—it may look like the real thing, but it is worthless. It can cause you much trouble.

Religious falsehood can never please Jehovah, the God of truth. When Jesus was on earth, there was a religious group who wanted to kill him. They thought that their way of worship was the right way. They said: “We have one Father, God.” No. Jesus did not agree. He said to them: “You are from your father the Devil.” (John 8:41, 44) Today many people think that they are worshiping God, but they are really serving Satan and his demons!—1 Corinthians 10:20.

Just as a rotten tree produces bad fruit, false religion produces people who do bad things. The world is full of trouble because of the bad things people do. There is immorality, fighting, stealing, oppression, murder, and rape. Many who do these bad things have a religion, but their religion does not move them to practice what is good. They cannot be God’s friends unless they stop doing bad things.—Matthew 7:17, 18.

False religion teaches people to pray to idols. God says not to pray to idols. This is reasonable. Would you like it if someone never talked to you but only talked to your picture? Could that person be your true friend? No, he could not. Jehovah wants people to talk to him, not to a statue or a picture, which has no life.—Exodus 20:4, 5.

False religion teaches that it is all right to kill others in time of war. Jesus said that God’s friends would have love among themselves. We do not kill people we love. (John 13:35) It is even wrong for us to kill bad people. When the enemies of Jesus came to arrest him, he did not let his disciples fight to protect him.—Matthew 26:51, 52.

False religion teaches that the wicked will suffer in hellfire. Yet, the Bible teaches that sin leads to death. (Romans 6:23.) Jehovah is a God of love. Would a loving God torment people forever? Of course not! In Paradise, there will be only one religion, the one that Jehovah approves. (Revelation 15:4) All religions based on Satan’s lies will be gone.

The End of False Religion is Near.

The fault lies, not with all religion, but with false religion. A widely respected religious figure, Jesus Christ, indicated that false religion produces bad works, just as a “rotten tree produces worthless fruit.” (Matthew 7:15-17) What fruit does false religion yield?

False Religion . . .

▪ MEDDLES IN WAR AND POLITICS: “Across Asia and beyond,” says the journal ';Asiaweek';, “power-hungry leaders are cynically manipulating people’s religious sentiments for their own needs.” As a result, the journal warns: “The world threatens to sink into madness.” A prominent religious leader in the United States declared: “You’ve got to kill the terrorists before the killing stops.” His solution? “Blow them all away in the name of the Lord.” By contrast, the Bible says: “If anyone makes the statement: ‘I love God,’ and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar.” (1 John 4:20) Jesus even said: “Continue to love your enemies.” (Matthew 5:44) How many religions can you think of whose members engage in war?

▪ SPREADS FALSE DOCTRINE: Most religions teach that the soul or spirit is some invisible part of a human that survives the death of the physical body. By means of this teaching, many of these religions exploit their members, charging money to pray for departed souls. However, the Bible teaches a different doctrine. “The soul that is sinning—it itself will die.” (Ezekiel 18:4) “The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) Jesus taught that the dead will be resurrected—an unnecessary action if humans had an immortal soul. (John 11:11-25)

▪ TOLERATES IMMORAL SEX: In Western lands, church groups ordain gay and lesbian members of the clergy and urge governments to recognize same-sex marriages. Even churches that condemn immorality have tolerated religious leaders who have sexually abused children. What, though, does the Bible teach? It plainly states: “Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men . . . will inherit God’s kingdom.” (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10.) Do you know of religions that condone immoral sex?

What does the future hold for religions that produce rotten fruit? Jesus warned: “Every tree not producing fine fruit gets cut down and thrown into the fire.” (Matthew 7:19) Yes, false religion will be chopped down and suffer destruction.

What must you do if you do not want to share the fate of false religion? “Get out of her, my people,” urges God’s messenger. (Revelation 18:4) Indeed, now is the time to flee from false religion.

If you would like further information about the Bible-based message that Jehovah’s Witnesses preach, feel free to contact them at the local Kingdom Hall. Or visit %26lt;;

';Require'; brochure - p. 18.
What doctrine do you have in mind specifically?
Mainly because false religion is from the Devil to confuse people into thinking they are Christian or following God.

Another is people like having ';their ears tickled';. (2Tim. 4:3) Being told what they want to hear. Most people, it may surprise you, as the Bible says, 'prefer the darkness rather than the light of truth.' (John 3:19-21) They enjoy their pleasures, not being told they must get up off the Lazy Boys and actually do work God needs to be done.

It is a lot easier to follow the teachings of men as it can go anyway they wish. Unfortunately, it means such worship is useless. Not approved by either Jesus or his Father. (Matt. 15:8)

True worship, while easier than some practices of religions, does require study and some effort for others.
  • symantic
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