Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Look here at what Jehovah's false witnesses teach. Do they twist the scriptures? What do you think?

I found an answer from a Jehovah's false witness that read like this:

';So if I was God I would judge people by the way they act and what they do. If they were cruel and mean and died would I resurrect them? NO!

I would allow enough time to go by to get a world full of good people. By not resurrecting the wicked and allowing the wicked to die off the earth. One day the earth could be a nice place to live.';


Now read John 5:29 : ';And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.';

Now read Daniel 12:2 : ';And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.';

What do you think?Look here at what Jehovah's false witnesses teach. Do they twist the scriptures? What do you think?
If you take away the hope of another, shouldn't you replace it with something else that gives them true hope?

Jesus saves.

For all have sinned and fallen short of Gods glory. The wages of sin is death. Jesus paid the price for our sin when he took our place and died on the cross becoming our propitiation for sin. Through Christ we can now have fellowship with God.

Admit you are a sinner in need of a savior.

Believe in your heart that Jesus died for your sin and rose on the 3rd day.

Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you too shall be saved.

For God so loved the world that ';whosoever'; (you and me) believes in Him (Jesus) shall not die but have everlasting life.Look here at what Jehovah's false witnesses teach. Do they twist the scriptures? What do you think?
Denada. :)

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And who gets to decide what constitutes ';twisting'; the scriptures?

The fact that there are THOUSANDS of different denominations, all claiming to be the One True Faith™, ought to be enough to tell you than any real message that might be contained therein has been hopelessly lost in the endless re-edits and re-translations.
I think, firstly, you don't care what I think, or you wouldn't have been so busy bashing my beliefs, clearly showing your bias.

The idea of Eternal torment, or Hellfire isn't Biblical. I find the fact that some REALLY long for it kinda funny, considering, for all they know, they could be the ones in the big furnace.
How is that twisting it? From what I've seen that's just someones personal opinion on what they would do if they were a god. Big deal? I'd happen to agree with the person on what to do.

Let me ask you this: How is someones personal opinion about something that'll never happen (being a god) mean twisting words? I don't see the connection.
take a chill pill, dude. the person was saying ';if I was God...'; not ';it is written in the bible...';

having said that, i do believe that their society is twisted, and some of their club member's actions are questionable. but for the most part, they study the bible and live by it, just like the next joe soap.
There is nothing to thing about. Any denomination has its own beliefs and of course they are going to manipulate the scriptures in a way that they think is right. It is not only a matter of what you thing but also a matter of choice.
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe Jesus is Michael the archangel, the highest created being. This contradicts many Scriptures which clearly declare Jesus to be God
This reads like a person saying what they would do if they were a God. I don't see them saying that this was what an actual God would do.

Are you bearing false witness?
I think the Bible has been twisted %26amp; misinterpreted since it was put together.
Are you one of those MESSianic Christians? You're asking Bible questions but you have a menorah (sp?) for an avatar....
only the Catholic Church has not twisted the Scriptures.
Perhaps...but the worst twisting of the scriptures I've seen is here, on both sides, Theist and Atheist.
If you put any words into the hands of a human being, they will twist them. It's our nature.
As the JW said, If I was God, I would........, The problem here is that they are not God. They don't know what's in the mind of God. Who are they to judge. Even Hitler will have a chance. If God forgives Hitler, who are we to object to God's wishes?

The Bible is plain. All will have a chance at the resurrection, those who believe Him, those who have not heard His name, those who know Him yet rejected Him, the young one's, etc. However not everyone can enter the Kingdom, God will set-up on earth and those are the wicked people.

If an Atheist or Agnostics remain an atheist/agnostic after God revealed himself to them, they are the one's who will suffer eternal death. That is as if they never existed.
All are correct, what they are referring to is the ';Harvest';

A spirit has 7 chances to get their life right with God, and then after the 7 chances have gone by they get another 7 chances, in all they get 49 chances.

But the last 7 chances are their last chance, it is to late to repent, the ';Harvest'; has come and those who have done good will be resurrected to everlasting life and those who done evil will be resurrected to damnation.

But this is not the end, some are caught in the middle, they have done both good things and evil things, they stood before the harvest with no clothes.

There was two ';harvest'; and it was at the ';harvest'; were the evil separated from the good.

But next comes the day of final ';Judgment'; when the time to repent is over.
Yes they have twisted alot of things,

and to one of your answers I would like to say

no they won't steal your bike, they will however steal your

soul if you are not watching out for yourself,

of course they truly feel they are doing the right thing this

is what they are taught to believe and we

need to be like our L_rd, and ask the Father

';Forgive them for the know not what they do';

Now read Daniel 12:2 : ';And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.';

Well if you want to go by that scripture it does say many not all. But whatever the case may be NO ONE knows who will be resurrected for everlasting life or who will go off into the everlasting cutting off. That is not our place to decide. So instead of worrying about what other people believe why not make sure of your own beliefs so that you can go in to everlasting life.

But from the quote you have given, it seems that the person may be a new JW, or may be confused on your original question, or we are not fully understanding what they meant by what they said.
Each and every one of us will stand in judgment before the throne of God. Those that were saved and beleived in Jesus and lived by the laws( The 10 Commandments) will be saved (all have sinned and fall short of the glory if God) thats why we confess and ask forgiveness. those that don't beleive will be seperated from the glory of God . If in your life you chose not to follow and beleive why do you think you should be rewarded?
well, your answer to your own question is kinda whacky, but i am getting used to it here.

sin ofensas? no, joven, MUCHAS ofensas, con mentiras.

now, you do not state what YOUR religious background is, but as noted above, you have a menorah. interesting.

you also did as noted above, quote a person's PERSONAL opinion to another's question.

false reasoning on YOUR part.

finally you did not CITE a scripture that was twisted.

three errors.

old latin maxim.

falcem en uno falcem en toto.

gotta study up on your debate skills.

or learn english better. something.

In order to Understand the Bible- there must be Harmony. One cannot read one verse and Run with it because that is what it says..As I mentioned it needs Harmony.

Take your Lake of fire Statement on people burning for all time, in order to see the '; Harmony'; in that statement in the Bible one would have to see how GOD views Torturing people for all time. That means we have to look back at how GOD viewed that same act with Pagan nations. But we see that God HATED what they did.

For instance, in ancient Canaan, children were sacrificed to Molech. It is said that a furnace blazed inside a huge image of this false god. Live children were thrown into the outstretched arms of the image, plunging through them into the fire below. Even some Israelites practiced this false worship. God says that they made ‘their sons and their daughters pass through the fire to Molech, a thing that He did not command them, neither did it come up into His heart to do this detestable thing.’ (Jeremiah 32:35) What benefit did Molech bring to his worshipers? Where are those Canaanite nations and the worship of Molech today? All of them have disappeared. That was false worship, worship based not on truths but on lies.

So if the Creator found this act of Burning children, why would he decide that it would be good to do the same for people in the lake of fire?

Since when does the God of heaven COPY what the Pagan nations do?

Therefore a Reasoning Person would conclude that the '; lake of fire'; must mean NOT literal Torture. Afterall Satan %26amp; Death itself are thrown into this Lake of Fire. Since Satan is a Spirit- how do you Burn him?

Use your thinking Process.. Your Head. Ponder on what you learn..
All religions came before me, the KJV Bible published 1611 after Christ was 352 years old when, I being disgusted with religion 45 years ago, began to read it.

With all it seems that religion comes first, Jesus is the greatest witness for his Father and God, who is the REAL Father and God. Rev.1:1-3,5; 3:14; John 8:28-32; 20:17; It is so easy to allow religion to over ride bible as, ';millions now living [ from 1918 ], will never die.'; WOE! I want bible not religion [ expose children to bible not religion ]. This is going to turn out to be wrong, Jw's are not 100% sure of their bible time, just sure of 1914 or 2520 years, and not past that. Religion is man saying the bible says something or implies something that is not a knowable fact. I am so leary of religion. I came out from among religion to seek the truth and I will not settle for less, scripture is scripture and to promote a saying is to witness for the person who put forth that saying. SORRY ALL RELIGIONS, NO CAN DO SUCH.

ASKING BIBLE: How long was Adam [ or Satan ], in day six? What is Satan's short time in the time of the end [ I need 2 witnesses as to the bible ]? Mistakes are made when facts are not known beyond a shadow of a doubt. so how much time does Satan have from Eden to Rev.20:1-6,12,13; no Satan 1000 years. Bible time from Adam and Satan in Eden has everything to do with coming foward to the kingdom of God, God knows only day and hour that none else knows, 1Thes.5:1-9,21; God intends all else to be known.

The JW's have been more close than all other religions. They venture into areas other religions will not venture into and get made fun of by other religions for doing so, if the blind led the blind they fall in the ditch, they are not false prophets, they just missed the mark of excellence, time to make it right and move on as there is plenty of time and the last 50 years is most important.

People being tormented forever? Where are the victims of the flood? The bible does not say things about them like religions imply. Man is to be given the same chance Adam had, he may loose out just as Adam did, but if so he did it and no one else is to blame. No need to mishandle scripture with assuming something that is not a fact. 2Pet.3:15: And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; 16: As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. Destruction is not life eternal in torment. Rev.20:7-10; Destruction and second death is destruction.
where did you get that answer???...

anyway...this will help...


10 In the beginning it was not God’s purpose to resurrect anyone, because if Adam and Eve had remained faithful no one would have had to die. But then Adam’s sin brought imperfection and death upon everyone. (Romans 5:12) So to make it possible for any of Adam’s children to enjoy everlasting life, Jehovah God arranged for the resurrection. But what determines whether a person is resurrected or not?

11 The Bible explains: “There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Acts 24:15) This may surprise some. ‘Why bring the “unrighteous” back to life?’ they may wonder. What happened while Jesus was hanging on the torture stake will help us to answer this question.

12 These men next to Jesus are criminals. One of them has just finished insulting him, saying: “You are the Christ, are you not? Save yourself and us.” However, the other criminal believes Jesus. He turns to him and says: “Remember me when you get into your kingdom.” At that, Jesus promises: “Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise.”—Luke 23:39-43.

13 But what does Jesus mean when he says: “You will be with me in Paradise”? Where is Paradise? Well, where was the paradise God made at the beginning? It was on earth, was it not? God put the first human pair in the beautiful paradise called the garden of Eden. So when we read that this former criminal will be in Paradise, we should picture in our minds this earth made into a beautiful place in which to live, for the word “paradise” means “garden” or “park.”—Genesis 2:8, 9.

14 Jesus Christ, of course, will not be right here on earth with the former criminal. No, Jesus will be in heaven ruling as king over the earthly Paradise. So he will be with that man in the sense that He will raise him from the dead and care for his needs, both physical and spiritual. But why will Jesus permit a man who was a criminal to live in Paradise?

15 It is true that this man did bad things. He was “unrighteous.” Also, he was ignorant of God’s will. But would he have been a criminal if he had known about God’s purposes? To find out, Jesus will resurrect this unrighteous man, as well as thousands of millions of others who died in ignorance. For instance, in past centuries many people died who did not know how to read and who had never seen a Bible. But they will be raised from Sheol, or Hades. Then, in the paradise earth, they will be taught God’s will, and they will have the opportunity to prove that they really do love God by doing his will.

16 This does not mean that everyone will receive a resurrection. The Bible shows that Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus, will not. Because of his willful wickedness, Judas is called “the son of destruction.” (John 17:12) He went to the symbolic Gehenna from which there is no resurrection. (Matthew 23:33) Persons who willfully do what is bad after knowing God’s will may be sinning against the holy spirit. And God will not resurrect those who sin against his holy spirit. (Matthew 12:32; Hebrews 6:4-6; 10:26, 27) However, since God is the Judge, there is no reason for us to try to figure out whether certain wicked people in the past or in modern times will be resurrected or not. God knows who is in Hades and who is in Gehenna. For our part, we should do everything we can to be the kind of persons that God wants in his new system.—Luke 13:24, 29.

17 The fact is that not all who receive everlasting life will need to be resurrected. Many servants of God now living in these “last days” of this system of things will live through Armageddon. And then, as part of the righteous “new earth,” they will never need to die. What Jesus said to Martha can in a literal way be true of them: “And everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all.”—John 11:26; 2 Timothy 3:1.

18 Who are the “righteous” that are to be resurrected? These will include faithful servants of God who lived before Jesus Christ came to earth. Many of these persons are mentioned by name in Hebrews chapter 11. They did not hope to go to heaven, but hoped to live again on earth. Also among the “righteous” to be resurrected are faithful servants of God who have died in recent years. God will see to it that their hope of living forever on earth is realized by raising them from the dead.


19 Jesus Christ is spoken of as “the first to be resurrected from the dead.” (Acts 26:23) This means that he was the first to be resurrected of those who would not have to die again. Also, he was the first to be raised as a spirit person. (1 Peter 3:18) But the Bible tells us that there would be others, saying: “Each one in his own rank: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who belong to the Christ during his presence.” (1 Corinthians 15:20-23) So in the resurrection some would be raised up before certain others.

20 “Those who belong to the Christ” are the 144,000 faithful disciples chosen to rule with him in the Kingdom. Of their heavenly resurrection, the Bible says: “Happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority, but they will . . . rule as kings with him for the thousand years.”—Revelation 20:6; 14:1, 3.

21 So following the resurrection of Christ, the 144,000 are the next to be raised. They have part in “the first resurrection,” or “the earlier resurrection.” (Philippians 3:11) When does this take place? “During his presence,” the Bible says. As we have learned in earlier chapters, Christ’s presence began in the year 1914. So the “day” for “the first resurrection” of faithful Christians to heaven has already come. No doubt the apostles and other early Christians have already been raised to heavenly life.—2 Timothy 4:8.

22 But there are Christians living now during Christ’s invisible presence who have this same hope of ruling in heaven with Christ. They are the remaining ones, a remnant of the 144,000. When are they resurrected? They do not need to sleep in death, but they are raised immediately when they die. The Bible explains: “We shall not all fall asleep in death, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, during the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised.”—1 Corinthians 15:51, 52; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17.

23 Of course, this “first resurrection” to heavenly life is unseen to human eyes. It is a resurrection to life as spirit creatures. The Bible describes the change to spirit life this way: “It is sown in corruption, it is raised up in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised up in glory. . . . It is sown a physical body, it is raised up a spiritual body.”—1 Corinthians 15:42-44.

24 However, the very expression “first resurrection” shows that another one will follow. This is the resurrection to life on the paradise earth of both righteous and unrighteous persons. This will occur after Armageddon. It will be a “better resurrection” than that of the boys resurrected by Elijah and Elisha and of others once resurrected on earth. Why? Because if those resurrected after Armageddon choose to serve God they will never need to die again.—Hebrews 11:35.

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