Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fundies - who teaches a false Gospel?

I see a lot of fundies talking about Mormons, JWs, and Catholics teaching a false gospel...

But...if you're a baptist...why aren't you preaching against the methodists? You don't have the same theology or you would be one church. You teach different things.

But which of you are preaching the true gospel? The baptists or Methodists?

What about the Episcopalians or the Westboro Baptist Church?

Assemblies of God or the Amish?

Eastern Orthodox or non-denominational churches?

Who is teaching the gospel and who is preaching a false one?Fundies - who teaches a false Gospel?
Fundies? . . .. . . is that like funderwear with cartoon characters on them??

Cool, I want some too. Fundies - who teaches a false Gospel?
About 97% of what Baptists, Methodists and Assemblies of God teach is the same.

I am not including Westboro Baptist in that group, they are very special and weird case.

The 3% where Baptists, Methodists and Assemblies of God disagree are relatively minor issues.

JWs and Mormons deny the Deity of Jesus and that's a huge deal.

Catholics teach faith + works and claim you are cursed if you believe in faith alone. They also elevate Mary to being the 4th member of the Trinty.

So JWs and Mormons and Catholics teach a false Gospel.

There are about 500 denominations and of those about 60 are good ones. Here is a list of the good ones:

Well the link to that list isn't working right now.

The good churches are those which teach being born again.
Eph 4:5 Says 1 faith ,1 lord, 1 baptism

Acts 15:14 Say God picks out a people for his name.

Ps 83:18; Ex 6:2;,3; Ex 3:15; Isa42:8 (The original King James Bible) - shows us what Gods name is.

John 17:3 tells us what we are to do if we want everlasting life.

James 4:4 tells us what to stay away from.

James 4:8 tells us what to do.

The question is, Are you listening?
Anyone who teaches a works-based salvation is wrong.

One cannot put on salvation, one must receive it, a gift from God.

Jesus' work is imputed to us for righteousness. We don't work for it. God saves us, then works out our salvation... not the other way around.

Too many people think their church membership and rituals are saving them, when they have never been born from above.

There will always be the remnant in any congregation.
Joseph Smith, the founder of the LDS church had many of the same questions. He prayed and asked God which church was true. I know that God prayers, and that if we pray we can feel God's love all around us. Maybe if you pray you'll find the answer.

I'm Catholic and I was taught it's not my place to judge. Although I kinda have a problem with the Westboro Baptist Church. Preaching hate is not what I would call productive preaching.
Your not the first to notice this!

Fun dies are bigot's by nature, but they are easy to correct as they have no foundation to stand on. You should check the history of where they come from! ( give ya a clue kkk 100' of thousands white protest boys killing hating anyone who was not like them)
As near as I can figure it out, the fundamentalist version of a false gospel is, ';Anything the other guy believes that I don't.';
I think every one of them but their own is viewed as apostate and false.

And they feel the need to say so every 2 minutes, at least some of the ones on R%26amp;S.
If I tell you who is preaching a false Gospel, the next time they come to my door the two of them will kill me.
according to Fundies, anyone and everyone who is not one of them is false
There are many paths up the mountain.
Good question.
The focus is on how they see Jesus. Do they have a biblical view of Jesus?
Well since the mormon missioanries harrass me and my sin al the time and even come to our church and stand int he back of it and look around, I would say that it is the mormons that we are th emost against, my churhc is able to work with the baptist on projects to win people for Christ even tho they do that tongues are dead and the gift of prophecy and healing is dead. My ex-mother-in-law is Assembly of God and she still believes in the trinity, so I have bo problem with her religion, I think its when they come door to door, that they get on my nerves. The Amish at least let their youth out to consider if this is the life thye want to live, the mormon and J.W do not, I went to Romainia and saw the eastrn othrodox catholics, they are hard to get saved. The methodist jsut teach that you can loose your salvation, and if you want to believe that, then its fine with me, its just an differnce in interpretation of scriptures, again, our churhc can still work with them on a project to win souls for Jesus. Anyone that believe in being saved and the trinity is OK with me.
Why don't you research the true Gospel for yourself?

I guess what you are implying is that since it takes work to figure out what the true Gospel is, it must mean you should give up immediately and scrap the whole deal.. of course, you'd never apply that philosophy to learning about mathematics or history

use your brain, I promise it won't hurt too much
Since it is only believing the one true Gospel that saves, then being sure about the true Gospel and preaching the true Gospel are the utmost in value.

Not that you're looking for an honest answer anyway.
I am a fundie non denominational

And unlike the LDS and JW

all the other groups you have mentioned are BIBLE BELIEVING Christians. There is your difference
Why exclude atheist fundies?
Read some books, don't ask questions on yahoo answers.

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