Friday, February 12, 2010

True or False? A child should not be taught about God until you can teach him evolution at the same time?

isn't it unfair to teach children about Christianity before they learn about evolution or other beliefs?

Shouldn't a child have a fair chance to pick his or her belief?

By giving Christianity a head start, that's not fair

about me http://www.listentocharlie.comTrue or False? A child should not be taught about God until you can teach him evolution at the same time?
False. They should be taught science. Don't waste their time with fairy tails. To teach children Christianity will ensure the IQ of that generation to be 20pts or more lower than the previous. We need to end religion, it is weakening the country.True or False? A child should not be taught about God until you can teach him evolution at the same time?
Do some intense homework, and you'll find that science still regards evolution as a theory, not a fact, and that all attempts and experiments to prove it have failed in the worst fashion.

Parent's should teach their children what they believe to be true, and not make judgements about what other people are teaching their children. As the kids reach maturity, they'll make up their own minds, anyway.

I was raised as a preacher's kid, and believed in my young adulthood that I could never follow that line of belief. However, after exploring many other avenues of study, I finally came around to my personal belief in God and Creation.

Don't sweat the small stuff, its a waste of your time and energy.
I agree
To teach a child anything it must be an adventure in order to keep there interests. Bible stories can be read just as easily as dinosaur stories and theoretical evolution. LIFE IS BUT IS NOT FAIR
In your previous question, I gave an answer that said something similar.

I believe children should be kept from religion until they are old enough to decide for themselves. They should be presented all religions and religious standpoints. Let them choose.
I think that a child should never learn about christianity. I only say this because of my experience with christians and because i was one. not a true christian is a sorry excuse, because i was one of those fundie types too.

I do think that if you had a bad experience with christians you should share that with your child instead. Also it whould be a good idea to give the child a book like the dark side of christian history so they wont be an easy prey for christian evangelists.
From the Christian perspective, part of our religious beliefs require us to teach our Children about God. There are many Christians, I am one of them, who do not see a conflict between Christianity and evolution.

Teaching a child about God does not make him or her a Christian. That is something they have to decide for themselves. I believe it is also important to teach children about science, art, math, history, and other religions. They can be taught that there are people who believe differently than we do. And, I think most young adults go through a period were they question, or at least re-examine their beliefs. I know I did, and the result was a strengthening of my Christian faith.
False. God should always come first. Even so, you could explain your views too and let the child decide.
I guess you missed the I'll tell you what it said ';Life isn't fair! So get used to it!';

personally I agree with the other person, why lie to your children when you can tell them the truth, btw there is nothing wrong with the truth, it wont hurt them. be fair to your child and tell them the truth.

but since you want to be supposedly fair to them, then why stop at just evolution and Christianity, why not teach them Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, devil worship, etc. etc. etc. That would be supposedly ';fair';, that doesn't make it right though.
Since religion is a complete waste of time (no religious precept has any verifiable predictive power whatever), I would not (and in the case of my own children, did not) teach it at all. Evolution, however, is a well-established scientific theory (warning to cretins who claim that it's ';just a theory'; -- ';established'; means ';established as factual';) which must be understood if one is to have any understanding of how to attack questions such as what sort of drugs to develop or what may be the effects of using genetically-engineered crops.
Teaching your child the truth is the best thing you can do for them.It is the best gift you can give them.To teach them different things is confusing.I have always wanted my kids to be armed with the truth in this world.
Although I would prefer people not teach their children superstitions at all, I think it is their right as parents to do so. There's no such thing as 'fairness'.
You want fair? There's one in every county in the U.S., usually during the August/September time frame.

Now as far as your question goes, it's called ';parenting.'; Choosing what is best for YOUR child. Erma Bombeck had some witty insights on this:

I had the meanest parents in all the world. When I was seven years old they dared to spank me just because I told them I would not do what they asked me to do to help around the house. My friend next door never got spanked. He didn't have to help at home.

He had nice parents. I had the meanest parents. I had to eat all my broccoli and carrots before they would ever let me have dessert. My friend next door never had to eat vegetables. He had fast food brought in with burgers and shakes and brownies with all kinds of ice cream. I had the meanest parents.

They made me go to church every Sunday as long as I lived under their roof, sit there in that boring worship service. My friend next door could do as he pleased. He never went to church. Sunday was a fun day for him. I had the meanest parents.

They made me work for my allowance. I had to get a job helping an elderly old man with chores around his house. My friend next door never had to do anything and he was given four times as much allowance as I could ever earn. He had nice parents. I had the meanest parents.

When I turned sixteen, they made me earn points before I could drive the family car. My friend next door was given a brand new luxury automobile. My folks had bought an old jalopy for me to get back and forth to school, but you think I'd drive that hunk of junk and park it beside those Jeep Wagoneers, BMWs, Buicks and Mercedes?

My friend had it made. Or so I once thought, but, when we reached age thirty, I had a change in perspective. I had learned that my parents were not so mean after all. I was experiencing: the pleasure of work, the reward of recreation, the strength of a healthy body, the bonds of a strong marriage, the inward confidence that comes from faith and the wonderful supportive fellowship that comes from the Church as a community of believers.

As for my friend, things were not going so well: he was not finding his niche in the workplace, nothing seemed to satisfy him, he was having difficulty getting along with people who were not willing to do everything just as he thought he knew it ought to be done, his marriage had not lasted even two years, his body was getting out of shape, and he evidenced a cynical outlook without any under-girding that comes from the assurance of faith.

So, needless to say, my answer is ';FALSE.';
False because nothing is more important that teaching a child about God.

How would it help a child to have taught him or her about the theory of evolution but not about God if that child suddenly dies? When we die, the only thing that will matter is our relationship with God.
evolution was created through God, so it would not be giving Christianity a head start. it would be explaining the unevitable. WOAH! i need to write that down (i wanna be a writer)
Every child should be taught about every religion or lack there of before they leave your house. Why? Because if you don't when they get out into the world they will be taking your beliefs with them, not their own. They need to make the decision for themselves (as the bible clearly states) and they need to be informed of all other religions first. Teach them young so as they get older they will have the opportunity to research every religion and figure out which one holds the most water if any. And how are you as a theist supposed to combat the theory's of evolution if you don't know anything about them!? That drives me nuts. They seem to think that their faith is all an atheist needs to see to believe and they can say ';I know creation is right because I believe'; not being told about other religions and not being explained the idea of evolution and being afraid to ask questions to my very Christian parents is the exact reason why now I am no longer one. Now I researched things myself and I know the truth.
why teach a falsehood then the truth about God. Just settle for the truth.
It is true

I agree. I think everyone should pick theyr own path to realise their Self. But children should be grown up in a auspicious and moral surrounding, and theyr parents should raise them like that
true i agree.

gimmee ten.

Forget religion, a child should be taught fact, not stories
Children should be taught what their parents wish them to be taught.
Teach them everything that is available, let them decide what is best for them. Teaching fantasy and mythology only teaches them that it is possible to weave intricate and facinating STORIES. It may teach something of english and literature but, it is not the textbook that some claim it to be.

I have and will continue to teach my boys how to think with an open objective mind that considers the evidence and then draw conclusions.

I wouldn't worry too much about this. Most kids rebel against their parents at some time in their lives. Even in totalitarian states kids rebel. Read about the 'edelweiss pirates' in Nazi Germany. They did some great things and some even died for it. What you say about Christianity may be true but its the way of the world. As a child I went to a church school and was in the church choir. Now I'm an atheist and find it difficult to understand how anyone can be religious.
They are children...they will believe what we as their parents teach them. They can always change their mind when they are grown up.
True. Teach them both and make sure that the child understands that those are two different theories.
This also makes you ask, shouldnt a child be taught EVERY religion to see which it prefers.

Its up to the parents (though I dont believe it should be) What religion the child is. I think its well and good for them to 'inform' but converting is wrong. If the child believes thats what they want, then they should be allowed into the religion, then they can chose to leave when their older if they wish.

This has turned into a debate about One view being true and one being false, even when the question was shouldnt they have a choice.

If Christians want to believe in God they can. If Muslims want to believe in Allah they can. If Atheists belive that science is the answer then they can.

I personally am an Atheist, my Parents are Christian (not strong though) So I found it easy to chose my own view. There are people I know who have VERY Strong Catholic parents and Catholosism has been passed down in their famly. During a Science lesson on Carbon Dating awhile back, this person Argued with the teacher about how he was telling Lies and how the world had not been around Millions of years. I think parents have effect that and because of the conditioning this person went through as a child they will always follow that belief. So, after my longwinded answer, I believe Parents should 'teach' like in RS lessons, not 'preach' like in church. Forcing a child to go to church and sunday school and stopping them from exploring other things is wrong.

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