Wednesday, February 10, 2010

If you are a false teacher or a non-believer , would you teach these verses '1cor.14:34-35'?

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.If you are a false teacher or a non-believer , would you teach these verses '1cor.14:34-35'?
You are a False teacher WITH nothing to say.If you are a false teacher or a non-believer , would you teach these verses '1cor.14:34-35'?
You are aware that Paul was speaking to a specific problem that occured at the church of Corinth. The women of the church were purposefully being disruptive of the services. He was chastising them for their behaviour. What you are doing is taking scripture out of context.
There are plenty of verses in the Bible that are an affront to human pride. That's why Christ is a ';rock of offense'; (Rom. 9:33).

The call of Christ is to be humble and a servant of all. Human beings have a very hard time with this, men and women alike. I am included in that group as well.
TRUE Christians follow every word of the Bible! True Christians would never allow women to speak in church!

Thanks for spreading the sexist bs that the Bible reeks of.
Actually knew a false teacher that taught and preached this verses over and over again to silence his wife and make her feel inferior. One could use many different verses in order to teach someone false messages.
I like to think most non-believers know it is rude to interrupt church services.
I would never teach that sexist crap to anyone.

The bible has NO relevance in modern society.
You have got to be kidding me.

If your gonna come up with a question at least make it original.

Better luck next time.
Why would non-believers teach bible verses? You are gonna have to let this go, brother.
More rabble out of that book.

Get real, and forget what it says in there.
Not you again! I would NEVER teach anyone, anything of the sort.
if you were a wanker, you would post this same thing over and over again.....oh hey that's you!!!

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