Jehovah's Witnesses are known for their false prophecies.
One JW got the best answer by votes ( unfortunately ) and this question brought to you from the answer.How can any JW say seriously that WTS believes ONLY in the Bible considering all the false teaching?
What you said to Ishvarlan is so true though, why would God allow his ';ONE TRUE organization'; make so many mistakes? That's what I asked my dad when I told him I was questioning if the ';truth'; is really the truth. But JWs are too blinded to see anything wrong with it. They are programmed, like Ishvarlan shows here, to think that ';changes in doctrine'; are BECAUSE God is with them! Anything and everything that the WTS changed in the past is because God ';let them'; see the truth.
What they don't realize though, is the effects these doctrinal changes have on people. For instance, in the 70's the WTS decided that oral sex is wrong, even within a marriage. So, when it first went into effect, people were to ';rat'; on their spouse, telling the elders if they asked for oral (or demanded it) and that person would be DF'd! Not 10 years after that came out from the WTS, they changed it back to a ';conscience matter.'; Do you realize how many marriages were destroyed, how many people were DF'd to only have the ruling changed BACK a few years later?
Do you think God is pleased when people are needlessly ostracized from their friends and family and the whole congregation? How is that showing God's backing?
What about the screaming while being raped issue? This has gone back and forth so many different times, it is almost sickening. How would you feel if your daughter, stricken with panic, was not able to scream while being raped, told the elders she was raped, only to be considered as a FORNICATOR and be DF'd? And then of course have the ruling on the matter change a few years later.
Do you think that is showing scriptural use of disfellowshiping? DO you think that is that showing God's backing?
What about the organ transplant issue? How would you feel if you lost your child in the 60's because he/she needed an organ, but you refused it because it was against ';God's laws,'; only to have ';God's law'; change not 12 years later?
Do you think God looks upon needlessly lost lives, lightly? Do you think that is showing God's backing?
The fact of the matter is, they do not have God's backing. Their history proves it time, and time again. God would not allow his ';ONE TRUE organization'; to make so many mistakes that effect so many people's lives.How can any JW say seriously that WTS believes ONLY in the Bible considering all the false teaching?
One apostate choosing another apostate's answer as ';best';.....hmmm......gee...sur… surprise.
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They shouldn't say it in a serious way considering how many false teachings, flip flops from one doctrine to another, and even 180 degree reversals to teachings they held previously show either hypocrisy, flippancy, or gross mismanagement. Any one of these should disqualify them from being God's organization. Changing the Bible to agree with your teachings is not basing your beliefs in the Bible. It's putting your beliefs into the teachings of those who changed the Bible.
Well, this doesn't answer your question, but I feel sorry for anyone who believes in this nonsense. And that's exactly what it is, the bible, the Jehovah's Witness crap, its all nonsense. And anyone who believes it to be true might as well believe that Little Red Riding Hood is real as well.
As I said, this didn't answer your question, but I still felt the need to comment.
What is this very odd obsession you have with Jehovah's Witnesses? Why do you NEVER post any kind of accusatory questions (like this one) to other groups like Catholics, Lutherans, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, etc....etc.... who all have false teachings?
Anti-JW cult buffoons are known for their asinine claims against Jehovah's Witnesses (i.e. false prophecies).
This quote from another responder says ten mouthsful!
';They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such 'Bible reading,' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom's clergy were teaching 100 years ago,... ';(Watchtower; Aug. 15, 1981; p. 29)
If they believe only in the Bible they become like Apostate Christendom. They can't have it both ways! either they go with the Bible only or they go with THEIR altered Bible and what the Brooklyn Popes say!
It is stated in their literature that a person will come to the same conclusions that Christians have in the past.
The main thrust of the Watchtower is to remove the divinity and deity of Jesus.
Note that the second quote below states this directly:
1981 ';We all need help to understand the Bible, and we cannot find the scriptural guidance we need outside the 'faithful and discreet slave' organization.''; (Watchtower, February 15, 1981, p.19)
1981 They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such 'Bible reading,' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom's clergy were teaching 100 years ago,... (Watchtower; Aug. 15, 1981; p. 29)
1994 Channel to understanding the Bible... All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the ';greatly diversified wisdom of God'; can become known only through Jehovah's channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave. (Watchtower; Oct. 1, 1994; p. 8)
Witnesses believe the Watchtower. They only believe what the organization teaches and preaches.
The JWs are close minded to ';';what the bible really teaches';'; and a great deal of accurate info is demonized by the Watchtower.
They believe in only what the ';Almighty Watchtower'; tells them to believe. They are not going to believe in anything that we tell them as we are from Christendom. Which is the system of things run by Satan. So no matter what we say, even our direct quotes from the bible are false. You can quote the bible all day long and they will not believe. They are stuck in this concept and do not know how to get out. One example is the Michael and Jesus are the same person. They quote passages like Daniel 10:13 where Michael is seen as '; one of the chief princes.'; The fact that Michael is ';one of the chief princes,'; however, indicates that Michael is not unique. Chief Princes means that Michael is one of at least two, Plual- meaning more than one. Then the have Jesus as the ';only Begotten'; son of God. Originally, it was thought that the term monogenese came from monos meaning “only” and gennao meaning “begotten.” However, further research has determined that the term genese is derived not from gennao, but rather from genos which means “kind” or “type.” Therefore, when the Bible refers to Jesus as the “only begotten God,” it is literally saying that Jesus is the “one and only'; Jesus.
Jesus is the only one!
Michael is one of more than one.
They cannot be the same. If they were the same, we would have to say the bible is a lie. We Know that it's not.
Even after quoting these facts they will still quote to you that Michael is the Chief Prince, they will not say one of the chief princes, even though thier bible says he is, they will not believe their own bible but only what is taught to them by the ';Almighty Watchtower';. How can you reason with someone like that?
Funny, Funny stuff.
Firstly, we do strive to follow the Bible and base our beliefs on it.
Have mistakes in doctrine occurred?? Sure. Here's the Important thing, we strive to Improve ourselves. We once were dumb enough to celebrate Christmas, CLEARLY, we needed to improve, who doesn't.
As for the gripe about who won BA, as long as someone doesn't cheat to get BA, then there's nothing wrong with them winning. Users of Y!A have 2 choices, pick BA (which often the asker does for someone not even Addressing the query, which of course is his choice) or leave up to a vote, and then accept that Whomever wins was picked by the Y!A community.
If JW's laid aside all of the Watchtower Written materials and got a King James bible or a NIV bible and just used the Bible in their studies, they would soon find that the True gospel is not what they have been given by the WBS
REO%26gt; hon....get up on the wrong side of the bed again.....
Understanding mind control…
What is ';Mind Control';?
While many have spoken of the methods used by the cults as a form of brainwashing (a forced reprogramming of a person's thoughts), a more apt designation would be mind control. Hassan clarifies the difference between the two:
';Mind control, also called `thought reform,' is more subtle and sophisticated [than brainwashing]. Its perpetrators are regarded as friends or peers, so the person is much less defensive. He unwittingly participates by cooperating with his controllers and giving them private information that he does not know will be used against him. The new belief system is internalized into a new identity structure.
';Mind control involves little or no overt physical abuse. Instead, hypnotic processes are combined with group dynamics to create a potent indoctrination effect. The individual is deceived and manipulated--not directly threatened into making the prescribed choices. On the whole, he responds positively to what is done to him.'; (p. 56)
Hassan constructs his methodology from his own personal experiences, as well as Robert J. Lifton's classic study, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism and Leon Festinger's ';cognitive dissonance theory'; and its three marks of mind control. Hassan adds one more to make four:
* control of behavior
* control of thoughts
* control of emotions
* control of information
It is uncommon to find a JW who has not seen or heard information exposing the dishonesty of the Watchtower. Why, then, do they not see a problem? Evidently, something else has prevented them from objectively analyzing factual information. Their minds are trained to stop short of doubting the organization. A wall has been erected which says, in effect, ';This far you may go, and no further.'; The Christian or concerned relative does not realize that the person is a victim of mind control, and whatever biases or presuppositions that have been placed in their minds by the Watchtower will effectively prevent the JW from seeing things objectively.
One could liken it to a child who loves her mother very much (and who is loved by the mother) discovering that her mother is on trial for first degree murder in a court of law. Not yet having the maturity to understand human nature and the complexities of personalities, the child will be overwhelmingly driven by her feelings towards her mother and almost always reject (though without factual basis) any efforts to convince her that her mother is a murderer.
The illustration is not far off from what actually occurs within the mind of the Jehovah's Witness. The JW is taught that the organization is the ';mother,'; and that Jehovah is the Father. Since Jehovah does not speak directly to the JW, he must rely on the organization for guidance and instruction. The JW is reminded over and over how trustworthy the ';mother'; is and how he cannot get along without her. Anyone else who tries to help the JW is viewed as ';of the devil'; and is considered dangerous. Since the JW is part of a family with its normal amount of brotherhood and togetherness (five meetings a week), the feeling of being safe and even ';loved'; reinforces what the ';mother'; is saying. The ';mother'; has taught him not to listen to anything critical of her, calling it satanic; thereby preventing the JW from thinking objectively and causing him to react with strong emotions whenever he senses a critical spirit towards the Watchtower. The JW will simply not question the motives or truthfulness of the ';mother.'; Only if he begins to lose faith in the claims or nurturing ability of the mother (thereby breaking the emotional bond) will he start to think a little more objectively.
Reo!!!! Shame on you, if what you posted means the same thing there that it means here in the midwest.
That is not a good way to share the faith you claim to be following.
They say it seriously and sincerely and passionately and honestly but they are wrong. They have another Jesus and another gospel
The fact that they need their own bible is a scary thought considering the warnings contained within about adding to or subtracting from scripture.
J W's have their own translation (or should I say ';version';) of the Bible...The New World Translation. It was changed to agree with their false teachings.
To the active JW their interpretations of prophecy are true.
As long as they don't see this they will continue believing as they do.
It is by a sincere desire of the heart that truths are revealed.
Not by bashing any faith.
It is by the Spirit of Love through the Spirit of God that hearts are opened to know whatever one knows. The call on the life of the individual veries from person to person.
When It was revealed to me that their interpretations of Bible prophecies were not inspired by God, I was devistated. I trusted no one. The only truth that remained intact was my belief in Jehovah and Jesus (still as Michael). The Holy Spirit has untwisted and changed what I believed one issue at a time. We argued yet His light remained.
One of the questions I asked Him was:
Is there any true religion on the Earth?
He took me to Rev. chapters 2 %26amp; 3.
';You can take whatever religion you want and put their name in the place of a parelling congregation/ church. Each has a glimmer of a true way of God. None have it all. If you took the real truth they each shine and put it together you would have the true light and love of God.
This is where those who are from their hearts truly worshiping God will be gathered togethered when the trumpet sounds.';
';Let he who has an ear hear and see what the Spirit has to reveal.';
I have to agree.....this person's questions always seem to be aimed at Jehovah's Witnesses as if they alone have false teachings (which in my experience they do NOT as they've always been able to show me from the Bible, mine or theirs, why they think like they do).
Shows immaturity and a great deal of bigotry and prejudice to single out just one religion and constantly accuse them of false teachings.
(Freedom.....the translators of the KJV did the same thing you're accusing the Jehovah's Witnesses of with the NWT. It's a known FACT that the translators of the King James Version inserted wording into scriptures such as 1 John 5:7, 8 in order to give support to the false doctrine of the trinity. Even non-JW Bible scholars openly admit they did that.)
Let me tell you something. In ancient Israel, there were entire colleges of female prophets, but you wouldn't know this from reading the Bible; you need to learn history to find this out. Thousands of prophecies were made, but only a few were recorded. This is not a very good record of prophetic accuracy. In addition the prophecy of Daniel was written 300 years after the events in it occurred. Some prophecy!
Prophets and oracles all over the ancient world regularly lied to clients. They didn't see anything wrong with this at the time (ethics was not on the horizon at the time). In addition to this interpreting prophecies is a tricky business, as they are usually written in an enigmatic fashion.
Jewish interpretation of OT prophecies vary quite a bit from Christian interpretations. You can't just rule out the Jews - they were God's chosen people.
Take heed that no man lead you astray. For many shall come in my name saying, I am the Christ; and shall lead many astray. And ye shall hear of wars . . . . but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines and earthquakes in divers places. But all these things are the beginning of travail. . . . Many false prophets shall arise, and shall lead many astray . . . . then shall the end come. . . . when ye see the abomination of desolation which was spoken through Daniel. . . . Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is the Christ, or there; believe him not. . . . If they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the wilderness, go not forth; behold, he is in the inner chambers, believe them not. For as the lightning cometh forth from the East, and is seen even in the West, so shall be the presence of the Son of Man, etc., etc.
Two things become evident to all in the above passages, now that their false rendering is corrected; ';the coming of Christ,'; means the presence of CHRISTOS in a regenerated world, and not at all the actual coming in body of ';Christ'; Jesus; this Christ is to be sought neither in the wilderness nor ';in the inner chambers,'; nor in the sanctuary of any temple or church built by man; for Christ -- the true esoteric SAVIOR -- is no man, but the DIVINE PRINCIPLE in every human being. He who strives to resurrect the Spirit crucified in him by his own terrestrial passions, and buried deep in the ';sepulchre'; of his sinful flesh; he who has the strength to roll back the stone of matter from the door of his own inner sanctuary, he has the risen Christ in him. The ';Son of Man'; is no child of the bond-woman -- flesh, but verily of the free-woman -- Spirit, the child of man's own deeds, and the fruit of his own spiritual labour.
The Christian interpretation is also false in its view, Christ is the living conscious in all of us and is personified by the character of Jesus, but before Jesus this character was personified by Horus/Osiris, Buddha, Krishna, etc etc through the ages. Time to start looking at the bible as it is truly supposed to be read, as an esoteric narrative of the human condition.
All teachings of the bible are false.
If the pages weren't so thin, I could use it in the bathroom.
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