Thursday, February 4, 2010

Is it ever a good thing to be a persistent with the false teaching?


These are quotes from their own literature where the Watchtower Society prophesied that Armageddon would come at 7 separate and distinct time periods and they were wrong.

1914 - ';In view of this strong Bible evidence concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished by the end of 1914.'; (The Time is at Hand, 1902 edition, p. 99) Note: this same statement was contained in the 1908 edition of the same book.

End of WW1:“The present great war in Europe is the beginning of the Armageddon of the Scriptures (Revelation 19:16-20). It will eventuate in the complete overthrow of all the systems of error which have so long oppressed the people of God and deluded the world”.(Pastor Russell's Sermons, 1915, p. 676) In the same year (1915),

1925 -“The period must end in 1925 ...[This date] is definitely fixed in the Scriptures. Every thinking person can see that a great climax is at hand. The scriptures clearly indicate that the climax is the fall of Satan's empire and the full establishment of the Messianic kingdom ... Therefore, it can be confidently said at this time that millions now living will never die”.(Golden Age, January 4, 1922, p. 217

1930’s – In the 1930’s the Jo Ho’s touted Rutherford’s “Millions no Living Will Never Die”. Since only Jehovah’s Witnesses survive, than that would mean when Armageddon comes, there would have to be 2 million or more (remember “Millions” would never die, more than one million) that were alive in the 1930’s that would never die. Since there are about 6 million JWs today, 2009, than 2 million would have to be over 75. Unfortunately for Jo Ho’s that is not the case and not going to happen. Another Jo Ho boneheaded prophesy down the drain

1975 - Watchtower, October 15, 1969 pages 622 and 623:

';More recently earnest researchers of the Holy Bible have made a recheck of its chronology. According to their calculations the six millenniums of mankind's life on earth would end in the mid-seventies…. Would not, then, the end of six millenniums of mankind's laborious enslavement under Satan the Devil be the fitting time for Jehovah God to usher in a Sabbath millennium for all his human creatures? Yes, indeed! And his King Jesus Christ will be Lord of that Sabbath.';

Notice the use of the definite article “the”. It would be “the fitting time”, not “a fitting time” not “an appropriate time” but “THE FITTING TIME”, to the exclusion of all other times.“Yes, Indeed! And his King Jesus Christ will be Lord of that Sabbath”. Not “might be”, not “could be”, but “WILL BE”.

• End of the 20th Century - Again in 1971, they said it would come in the 20th century:”Shortly, within our twentieth century, the “battle in the day of Jehovah” will begin”. From: The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah - How? 1971 p. 216”

Within the life span of the 1914 generation: Watchtower, 7/1/69 pg395:

“People who were only just old enough to understand what was happening to the world in 1914 are now approaching seventy years of age. Yes, the numbers of that generation are dwindling fast, but before they all pass away this system must meet its end in the war of Armageddon.”

None of the above happened and as of 1995, the above 1914 thing is wrong.Is it ever a good thing to be a persistent with the false teaching?
I've heard teachers says that celebrating Christmas is okay for a Christian. December 25 is the winter solstice and celebrates the sun god, not the ';Son of God';. So that would be a false teaching for Christians to be weary of.

It all depends on what you base your life on. Something can be very false but is taught fervently in schools and at churches or at home. Other teachings that are true are hated by people who don't want to hear it. It really does come down to what you base your life on, and then you decide what is false and true. I base my life on the Bible but I have to be very careful and fervently study everything that I decide to believe as truth.Is it ever a good thing to be a persistent with the false teaching?
only in this sense:

Persistence is a good quality that God can use. eg: when your persistence slams you into a brick wall, or gets you knocked off your horse on the way to teach more falsehood, and you finally awake and see that you were teaching a lie, that it was genuinely false, misleading, etc. Then you are possibly a good candidate for promoting He who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the I AM Moses talked to on Sinai

This is what happened to Paul the Apostle

Consider your own belief system. You would like people to accept that humans are worthy of eternal torture due to a natural propensity to make mistakes and sin. You expect the world to get worse and worse and worst until Jesus finally returns, which causes you to look for evil things that people and claim they are getting more and more frequent, even though humanity as a whole is actually getting far more moral and life is far better than it was even 100 years ago.

Yet you persist in promoting this false teaching.

Its not good.
No it is not good to teach falseness.

The most important thing is to look in the Bible for the things good religion promotes.

For example:

High Moral Standards

Marriage - Hebrews 13:4 - Does this religion require that among its members, couples who live together be legally married?

Divorce - Matthew 19:9 - Does this religion respect Jesus' direction and allow divorce and remarriage - but only on the grounds of immorality?

Sexual morality - 1 Corinthians 6:18; Romans 1:26-27 - Does this religion teach that sexual immorality either between a man and a woman or between a couple of the same sex is a sin?

Courageously upholding Bible standards among it's members - 1 Corinthians 5:11, 13 - Does this religion remove from its membership roll any who unrepentantly ignore Bible standards?

Brotherly Love

War - Mattew 5:44; 26:52; 1 John 3:10-12 - Does this religion encourage its members to participate in warfare?

Politics - Jonh 6:15; 18:36; 17:14 - Does this religion follow Jesus' example and avoid becoming involved in politics, even if that means that its members will be hated by some politicians?

Prejudice - Acts 10:34-35; James 2:1-4 - Does this religion teach that all people are equal in God's sight and that members of the religion should not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race or economic standing?

Respect for God's Word

Religious titles - matthew 23:1-10 - Do leaders of this religion like to be called by honorific titles and seek prominence in the community, or do they obey Jesus' command to avoid doing so?

Use of images in worship - Exodus 20:4-5; 1 John 5:21 - Does this religion obey the Bible's clear command to avoid the use of images and idols in the worship of God?

You can also ask yourself, which religion encourages people to study the Scriptures to see if what they are learning is really true?

You can use these points to analyze any religion to see if they are living by the truth, the Bible is the truth, search it out.

If you would like to know more about this and other themes, next time Jehovah's Witness come to your door, ask them for a free Bible study at your convenience. You will never regret all the knowledge you will acquire and remember that what you do with that knowledge is your choice. Knowledge + Application = Wisdom
';false teaching'; No.

But think also: Science is not religion and religion is not science.

God is not a transitional theory and no amount of evidence can change that.

My Joy Is Full.

Have a nice day.
Well it worked for Paul. He got his false teachings included in the bible.

He wrote a lot of the new testament and inspired still more of it.

Love and blessings Don


It would be better to put away false teaching and to concentrate on what you believe.
What false teaching? perhaps an example?
No, most certainly not. Just look at Christianity.

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