Are you trying to pit Jehovah's Witnesses against Mormons?
There are two questions that require answering, and these are not they.
We need to ask:
1. Are the teachings of the Bible true?
2. If so, which religion teaches and practices what the Bible really teaches? (Not just Mormon or JW, but out of all that claim to be Christian.)Mormons- is Jehovah Witness a false teaching, why? Jehovah Witnesses- is Mormon teaching false, why?
I'm a Jehovah's witness and what i believe what is ever your religion is it's what it should be because i don't think my religion is false and in your religion you maybe thinking the same thing you don't think your religion is falseMormons- is Jehovah Witness a false teaching, why? Jehovah Witnesses- is Mormon teaching false, why?
Both would say that the other is a false teaching because they are not with them! The Mormons figure that their plan of salvation is available to all through them. The JW's figure that their plan of salvation is right because theirs is the true organization and they know that you have to follow what they say to get into God's kingdom.
If you really want to know if JW are false ask them a bible study and test it with your respective bible.
Interestingly enough the people who claim to know the origin of--
[Jehovahs Witnesses] really dont know of what they speak.!!
surprising on this forum!! RIGHT !!! anyway, the mormons and
the Witnesses have never shared any theological Ideas,or had
the same teachings.
#1. Jehovahs Witnesses believe the Bible to be the only accurate
source of understanding from Jehovah God.
#2.We strive to love our neighbor as ourselves.(A commandment
of Jesus Christ.)We do not partisapate in wars or political Idealogies.
#3.We obey the laws of the land,pay taxes,and endevor to be
good citizens of the country in which we live,we do not break
(Ceasers)law unless it is in conflict with Jehovahs Laws.
#4.We believe in Jesus Christs ransom sacrafice,and that only
through Jesus can we approach Jehovah.
#5.We believe that one needs to always take in accurate know-
ledge of Jehovah and Jesus Christ.(John.17:3)
#6.We believe that all humans are imperfect and sin,But thru.
Jesus Christs Sacrafice we have the chance of repentencence
and redeemtion.We try to remain morally clean,shunning
fornication and the popular views on sex and morality.
So I guess in summation,If this is viewed as a false teaching,
or an unacceptable way of life in the worlds views.than so be it!
(2Peter.2:1,3.)Have a nice
next time you encounter a mormon. ask who they think Jeremiah is , as in Jeremaih from old testament. the Mormons have a book of mormon which is supplementary to the bible. they teach that every one is going to heaven, members of their church tithe ( give 10 % of their earnings ) they teach that the angel gave joseph smith a 14 year old boy two tablets which then vanished into thin air as quickly as they appeared
There are truths in all religions!
Those people that many branded as a cult, wrong, denying Jesus are the very same people who takes care of my two kids (ages 5 and 9 months old) whenever my sickly 3 year old son stays at the hospital. I do not have any blood-family here (austria) my husband does but only JWs help us all the time.
How much people deny it, JWs members are the only ones following the bible closely, from the love of neighbor to loving God and the command of Jesus to preach the good news about God's Kingdom.
Jesus Christ did not found the Christian congregation to propound negativisms against any specific religion, but to preach the ';good news'; of the Kingdom. The bible's judgment message is not against just one particular religion, and it would be a mistake to pretend otherwise.
(Matthew 24:14) And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations
(Luke 9:6) They went through the territory from village to village, declaring the good news
(Acts 5:42) Every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus.
In fact, at Matthew chapter 13, Jesus explained that all of self-described ';Christianity'; (true and false) would perform a service over the centuries in matters regarding bible translation, continuing respect for the bible, and in laying the groundwork for the ingathering prophesied to occur in ';the conclusion of the system of things';.
(Matthew 13:47-49) The kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet let down into the sea and gathering up fish of every kind. 48 When it got full they hauled it up onto the beach and, sitting down, they collected the fine ones into vessels, but the unsuitable they threw away. 49 That is how it will be in the conclusion of the system of things: the angels will go out and separate the wicked from among the righteous
Note that it is not humans but angels who primarily perform the separating work. Of course, only Jesus and Jehovah make the final judgment regarding each individual.
(John 12:48-49) The word that I [Jesus] have spoken is what will judge [a person] in the last day; 49 because I have not spoken out of my own impulse, but the Father himself who sent me has given me a commandment
(John 8:16) if I do judge, my judgment is truthful, because I am not alone, but the Father who sent me is with me
(Matthew 12:36) They will render an account concerning it on Judgment Day
(John 5:22,27-30) [The Father] has committed all the judging to the Son... 27 And he has given him authority to do judging, because Son of man he is. 28 Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out... I judge; and the judgment that I render is righteous, because I seek, not my own will, but the will of him that sent me.
(Acts 17:30-31) God has overlooked the times of such ignorance, yet now he is telling mankind that they should all everywhere repent. 31 Because he has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man [Jesus] whom he has appointed
Learn more:………
Disfellowshipped JW
1982 Corning, CA Congregation
For cause, but not the ones some ex-JWs who want to put themselves on a pedestal, want you to believe, and know you will without question.
You could wait until next May when this program about Jehovah’s Witnesses is shown on PBS, or you can order a copy now. It was done by an independent film company.…
Setting aside any Bible issues, they believe in obeying the law, even the inconvenient ones, such as speed limits when late for work.
They believe in paying taxes, even though there are many ways they could avoid them, as many religions do.
They believe in keeping their word, such as to the IRS that they will not promote politics in the church, and they actually mean it.
They teach their youth that waiting until marriage is preferable to using protection, and for the most part, the youths actually believe it. As a result, they have the lowest rates of out-of-wedlock births and STDs. Yes, there is the occasional ones who would rather have their fun now than wait, but there are far more who choose to wait.
They treat their youth with respect, not just ';do what you're told!';
Youths are taught side by side with the adults, the Bible as a whole, and not just Bible stories. The very young may not understand what they are being taught, but by the time you reach the age of understanding, they have a good basic knowledge of the scriptures.
The congregations never get so large that the individual gets lost in the crowd. Since everyone is taught the same, it is easy to start a new congregation, with a set of elders.
Everyone knows everyone, whether in their congregation, or in their circuit. When Katrina happened, every Jehovah’s Witnesses living in New Orleans could be found in Texas, with every individual accounted for. How many other religions could say for certain they knew that none of those left behind belong to one of their churches?
They believe their Kingdom Halls should compliment a neighborhood, and not overwhelm it, so they are small and don’t include a lot of expensive decorative features. Each KH can hold up to four congregations.
They encourage all their members to read the Bible and submit their thoughts. This was before the NWT and when they were using the KJV, or Authorized Version. It should be noted that this version of the KJV was not the first, but the fifth. It took four revisions over a 150 year period, before it was approved by the Church of England.
JW may have their own Bible, but it came about as a result of reading the KJV by thousands of people and noting the contradictions as a result of errors in translation. A good example is the scripture that says “The Word” is a Mighty God. A Mighty God gets its power and existence from an Almighty God. As for revisions, to my knowledge, it had not been revised since it came out in the 50s. My mother still has her first JW Bible, though it is worn like all the others she has used since them. Witnesses generally wear out a Bible every few years, whereas those in Christendom may have the same Bible for generations.
The greatest difference between JWs and the rest of Christendom can be answered with just one question.
Everyone else will falter around and perhaps come up with a day in May, but all JWs will say at sunset on Niacin 14, which falls on the first full moon after the vernal equinox, the Memorial of the Last Supper. This is the only day, aside from wedding anniversaries, that Christ said to continue keeping, yet Jehovah's Witnesses are the only Christian organization that does.
Whatever you may say about whether it is right or wrong to observe the man-made holidays created since the first congregations, the fact remains that Christendom does not observe the one day Christ said to keep. What does that say for the leaders of Christendom, that they ignore that one important day of the year, and don't even know what day it falls on?
The question of holidays gets asked a lot, yet the facts of why are clearly evident. Even the Churches of Christendom recognize that the holidays and observances are not in keeping with Bible teachings, yet they fear that doing anything about it will jeopardize their positions and power. Check any religious encyclopedia about the holidays and their history.
So the question is not why don't witnesses celebrate the holidays, but why does Christendom celebrate something not taught in the Bible? Further, why don't they know what day Christ said to observe and why don't you observe it on that day?
Whatever you may think of any of the other beliefs of JWs, you have to ask yourself is the need to observe these holidays more important than observing the day Christ said to keep?
Here is answer to your question:
What is false religion?
Why does religion seem to be at the root of so many problems?
The fault lies, not with all religion, but with “false” religion.
False Religion...MEDDLES IN WAR AND POLITICS: How many religions can you think of whose members engage in war?
False Religion...SPREADS FALSE DOCTRINE: Most religions teach that the soul or spirit is some invisible part of a human that survives the death of the physical body. However, the Bible teaches a different doctrine. “The soul that is sinning, it itself will die.” Ezekiel 18:4 Jesus taught that the dead will be resurrected, an unnecessary action if humans had an immortal soul. Does your religion teach that the soul does not die?
False Religion...TOLERATES IMMORAL SEX: Church groups ordain gay and lesbian members of the clergy. What, though, does the Bible teach? It plainly states: “Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men.” 1 Cor. 6:9,10 Do you know of religions that condone immoral sex?
How to identify true religion.
True Religion...PRACTICES LOVE: True worshippers are “no part of the world,” are not divided by race or culture, and display “love among themselves.” Rather than killing one another, they are willing to die for one another.
True Religion...TRUSTS GOD'S WORD: Instead of teaching “tradition” and “commands of men as doctrines,” true religion bases its doctrine on God's Word, the Bible
True Religion...STRENGTHENS FAMILIES AND UPHOLDS HIGH MORAL STANDARDS: True religion trains husbands to “love their wives as their own bodies,” helps wives to develop “deep respect for their husbands,” and teaches children to “be obedient to their parents.”
True Religion is available, search for it.
I am Mormon. I don't believe any religions teachings are ';false'; just incomplete. I believe most, if not all, religions have wonderful things that are taught...I just believe the LDS religion has the fulness of the gospel, the blessings of the Priesthood and the saving temple ordinances.
From what I have seen of JW's of what they believe, many things are no I don't think they are false.
Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses teach many of the same doctrines. You can't say that one Church teaches only false teachings while the other teaches only true teachings.
But when any two doctrines conflict with each other, either both are false, or one of them is false. The same can be said of any two religions which disagree with one another.
The Mormon Church teaches Mormon doctrine, not what other Churches supposedly believe. So unless a Mormon has gone to the Jehovah Witnesses to learn what they believe, a Mormon doesn't know what the Jehovah Witnesses believe. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone showed the Mormons the same respect for their beliefs?
JW adhere to the bible only. No traditions or philosophies of men like most of the churches do, no pagan teaching also.
Mormons have another book from Smith.
Jehovah's Witnesses love God, trust and cherish His every word that's in the Bible, and live their lives by the teachings of the Bible.
2 Timothy 3:16, 17 states: 16 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
Psalms 19:7-10 states: 7 The law of Jehovah is perfect, bringing back the soul. The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise. 8 The orders from Jehovah are upright, causing the heart to rejoice; The commandment of Jehovah is clean, making the eyes shine. 9 The fear of Jehovah is pure, standing forever. The judicial decisions of Jehovah are true; they have proved altogether righteous. 10 They are more to be desired than gold, yes, than much refined gold; And sweeter than honey and the flowing honey of the combs.
Prover 30:5 Every saying of God is refined. He is a shield to those taking refuge in him. 6 Add nothing to his words, that he may not reprove you, and that you may not have to be proved a liar
Ecclesiates 3:14 I have come to know that everything that the [true] God makes, it will prove to be to time indefinite. To it there is nothing to add and from it there is nothing to subtract; but the [true] God himself has made it, that people may be afraid on account of him.
Revelation 22:18,19 states: 18 “I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; 19 and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll.
God’s Word of truth in a very practical way sets men free from ignorance, superstitions, human philosophies, and senseless traditions of men. (Joh 8:32) “The word of God is alive and exerts power.” (Heb 4:12) Without the Bible we would not know Jehovah, would not know the wonderful benefits resulting from Christ’s ransom sacrifice, and would not understand the requirements that must be met in order to get everlasting life in or under God’s righteous Kingdom.
Here's a few quotes from the book of Mormon (BOM). Feel free to compare them with your own Bible.
(BOM) God: Father of all Gods, he has a flesh-and-bone body.—Doctrine and Covenants 130:22.
(BOM) Elohim: Sometimes referred to as an individual. Also described as a council of Gods who organized the earth.—Doctrine and Covenants 121:32; The Pearl of Great Price, Abraham 4:1; Journal of Discourses, Volume I, page 51.
(BOM) Jesus: God and Creator of the whole earth, the Savior.—3 Nephi 9:15; 11:14.
(BOM) Jehovah: The Old Testament name for Jesus.—Compare Mormon 3:22; Moroni 10:34; and Book of Mormon index.
(BOM) Trinity: The Godhead of three separate, distinct spirit personages, Father and Son, of flesh and bone, and Holy Ghost.—Alma 11:44; 3 Nephi 11:27.
(BOM) Adam: Jesus’ helper in the creation. Brigham Young stated: “Our father Adam came into the garden of Eden . . . and brought Eve, one of his wives. . . . He is our Father and our God.” (Journal of Discourses, Volume I, page 50, 1854 Edition) After his sin, Adam became earth’s first Christian. (The Pearl of Great Price, Moses 6:64-66; Ensign, January 1994, page 11) He is “the Ancient of days” (Doctrine and Covenants 116) and is the literal physical Father of Jesus.—Journal of Discourses, Volume I, page 51.
(BOM) Michael: Another name for Adam, the archangel.—Doctrine and Covenants 107:54
The whole Bible was completed (when the last apostle John wrote the last 5 of the 66 God inspired books) and is good to use for all generations. There's no need to add anything else to it.
Jehovah God is God of order not of confusion. He is the living Almighty God that has no beginning. (Exodus 6:1-3; Isaiah 43:10) And He would not share His glory with anyone else. States Isaiah 42: 8 “I am Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory, neither my praise to graven images.…
Exodus 3:15 states: 15 Then God said once more to Moses: “This is what you are to say to the sons of Israel, ‘Jehovah the God of YOUR forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, has sent me to YOU.’ This is my name to time indefinite, and this is the memorial of me to generation after generation.';
Jesus in the other hand has beginning, firstborn of all creation by Jehovah God (called Son of God). Then Jesus helped his father (Jehovah) using his Father's holy spirit (an active force) to creat all other things in heaven and on earth. --Colossians 1:13-16
Why would the most powerful God in the universe telling the Israelites that his name is Jehovah to TIME INDEFINITE and later change his name to Jesus the Son? Absolutely not.
Jehovah is not Jesus in the old testament.
Jehovah = the Father; the God (the only one true God, the Almighty God that has no beginning) was never flesh and bone. John 1:18 states: ';No man has seen God at any time; the only-begotten god who is in the bosom [position] with the Father is the one that has explained him.';
Jesus = the Son (created by Jehovah God) also call Prince of Peace has beginning (he was CREATED by God). Sure he is a god (lesser god than the Father) because he is the Son of God. Satan and his demons are called gods because they are all spirit creatures.
Adam = Human (never was an angel).
Michael the archangel is not another name for Adam.
The only holy angel other than Gabriel named in the Bible, and the only one called “archangel.” (Jude 9) The first occurrence of the name is in the tenth chapter of Daniel, where Michael is described as “one of the foremost princes”; he came to the aid of a lesser angel who was opposed by “the prince of the royal realm of Persia.” Michael was called “the prince of [Daniel’s] people,” “the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of [Daniel’s] people.” (Da 10:13, 20, 21; 12:1) This points to Michael as the angel who led the Israelites through the wilderness. (Ex 23:20, 21, 23; 32:34; 33:2) Lending support to this conclusion is the fact that “Michael the archangel had a difference with the Devil and was disputing about Moses’ body.”—Jude 9.
Scriptural evidence indicates that the name Michael applied to God’s Son before he left heaven to become Jesus Christ and also after his return. Michael is the only one said to be “the archangel,” meaning “chief angel,” or “principal angel.” The term occurs in the Bible only in the singular. This seems to imply that there is but one whom God has designated chief, or head, of the angelic host. At 1 Thessalonians 4:16 the voice of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ is described as being that of an archangel, suggesting that he is, in fact, himself the archangel. This text depicts him as descending from heaven with “a commanding call.” It is only logical, therefore, that the voice expressing this commanding call be described by a word that would not diminish or detract from the great authority that Christ Jesus now has as King of kings and Lord of lords. (Mt 28:18; Re 17:14) If the designation “archangel” applied, not to Jesus Christ, but to other angels, then the reference to “an archangel’s voice” would not be appropriate. In that case it would be describing a voice of lesser authority than that of the Son of God.
Here, let's travel together on the narrow and cram road. Visit the website below and obtain the (accurate) knowledge that you need to prepare yourself for the obstacles along the narrow road. Well, let's be honest this road is not a party road so it's not easy to travel without the right guidance. But it is a happy road only a few knows its path very well willing to use it. These are the happiest people on the planet.
I used to walk the broad and spacious road. I got as far as midway thru, saw billions were chosing that road and it became loose conduct, lawlessness. People have no natural affection for one another, doing things according to their heart desires. There favorite phrase was and still is ';follow your heart'; don't let anyone tell you what to do. I started questioning myself, if the angels being much more powerful than us human and they listen and need God. What makes me better than those angels? I took the advice to ';follow my heart';. My heart says, I need God in my life and I need to worship Him the way He approves. That means I have to made changes in myself to fit God's requirement not the other way around. I took action and walk all the way back to the gift shop (the shop that provides instruction to the narrow road) where the broad and narrow roads split. Equiped myself from the gift shop with the instructions and I took the narrow one.
As I started walking on the narrow and cram road, I couldn't believe it how peaceful it is. Instead of angry people shoutings, gunshots, police sirens, I hear birds chirping, little wind rustling through, how refreshing I thought w/out knowing I was smiling all these times up until I bend down to get a drink from the stream and saw my own smile.
For Jehovah's Wtnesess a mark of true religion is that its members have a deep respect for the Bible. They accept it as the Word of God and believe what it says. (John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17) They treat God’s Word as being more important than human ideas or customs. (Matthew 15:1-3, 7-9) They try to live by the Bible in their everyday life. So they do not preach one thing and then practice another.—Titus 1:15, 16.
For the Mormon faith this has been asserted: “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly,” states the eighth article of the Mormon Articles of Faith. But it adds: “We also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.”
However the Holy Cannon ends with Revelation. A noted verse there states clearly at Chapter 22:18-19:
I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an ADDITION to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll.
One would not be a member of a particular religion/sect if they did not believe it was the true one (or have the most truth). Because of this I am certain no Mormon would say the teachings of the Jehovah Witness's are the complete truth and vice versa. There is no real reason to go into the differences, because there are many. Regardless, I think they respect each other, as everyone should.
I'm a truth seeker. I had looked into many, many religions, including the beliefs and teachings of the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses. I am very well aware of their teachings and beliefs (both sides). As a matter of fact, I have many family members and relatives who are Mormons. However, I am not a Mormon. Why? After my thorough and honest research, I found that many of their teachings and doctrines contradict the Bible. After comparing their beliefs and doctrines to the Bible, I can honestly say that I have no doubt that the doctrines they teach that are apart from the Holy Bible are not the word of the true God. How can their doctrines be the word of the true God when they don't match up with the Bible? The true God is perfect so his Word the Bible is already made perfect. It is men that make things complicated and confusing for themselves. There is no need to add any other doctrines or subtract from the perfect Word of the true God. Here are just some of the scriptures to prove this point.
Proverb 30:5-6 Every saying of God is refined. He is a shield to those taking refuge in him. Add nothing to his words, that he may not reprove you, and that you may not have to be proved a liar.
Ecclesiates 3:14 I have come to know that everything that the [true] God makes, it will prove to be to time indefinite. To it there is nothing to add and from it there is nothing to subtract; but the [true] God himself has made it, that people may be afraid on account of him.
Rev 22:18-19 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy in this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will strike him with the plagues that are written in this book. If anyone takes away any words from the book of this prophecy, God will take away his portion of the tree of life and the holy city that are described in this book.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 Every Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Hebrews 4:12 The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart.
God does not lie. False religions will end soon. It's already written in the Bible.
God gave everyone the power of reason. Use it wisely. Remember, the creator is not a God of confusion but of order.
if any religion is right, we're all going to hell. Why waste time nit picking.
A cult is a cult is a cult
I am neither, sorry for answering.
But if you look at the history that has been recorded, written down, you will see that those who started the Jehovah Witnesses, were actually Mormons to start with. But when their leader, wasn't picked as the next Prophet, left and started their own religion.
Sour grapes basically. Jehovah Witnesses will deny this of course, but the minutes of the meetings in the Mormon Church, (the LDS) are available and can be read by non Mormons.
You just have to ask. the JW's leaders left because they felt they were the chosen of God, rather than those who were actually chosen.
Sad really. But then I don't believe in either of them.
Mormons add to the scriptures and follow the dreams, fantasy of Joe Smith and others.
Jehovah's Witness deny the Deity of Christ.
They both are worng.
Sadly they both do
Religion is false. Come out with your hands up or we will be shooting ourselves.
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