Sunday, February 7, 2010

Isn't 5 o'clock shadow irrefutable proof that ';once shaved, always shaved'; is a false teaching?

Yes, but it does indicate sola schick-tura.Isn't 5 o'clock shadow irrefutable proof that ';once shaved, always shaved'; is a false teaching?
God said He would shave you and you would never need to be shaved again.

If you had a drink of the water he offers you will never thirst again, either.Isn't 5 o'clock shadow irrefutable proof that ';once shaved, always shaved'; is a false teaching?
The 5 O'clock shadow is a concept only under stood by the Gillette Corporation!
LOL Fess up--you were tragic typos! I'd have to agree with you. Razor stubble is also proof.
No, no, no, you're thinking about what happens once you go black again....
That reminds me....The Lesbomatic asked me to wax her back tonight. See you guys later.
Sadly, yes.
Thanks a lot, me thinking about my honey's beard...

But really, I almost peed myself...=0)
only until you go gray.
Yes indeed!

I've known that for years! lol
it would be nice to never have to shave my legs
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