It made me wonder what on earth a ';false teaching about God'; is, and how you'd go about proving whether such a thing was false or not.What does it mean to ';spread a false teaching about God';?
pretty much if you read something in the bible and interpret it different than me and say anything about, you're guilty.
great religion you got there.What does it mean to ';spread a false teaching about God';?
All 'teachings about god' are false.
Based on ancient superstition and mythology.
If there is some kind of 'higher intelligence' or 'supreme being' somewhere in the universe (or outside of it), there is only one thing that is for certain:
It doesn't take the form of any of the various deities dreamed up by mankind, and propagated through fear and ignorance throughout the centuries.
First, the Bible is not silent on most subjects. The Bible spells out clearly how Christians are to live their life, in word %26amp; deed. Believe it or not the Bible is relevant to today's times and covers all subjects (except for things relating to say the internet specifically because there wasn't internet 2000 years ago; but the Bible does speak about what to refrain from - and if it's something that you can access from the internet - it means stay away from it). A false teaching about God is to portray God in a way that is not true or honoring; to misrepresent God's word. If you don't know God, or what God expects from you (or us as a people) you should get to a Bible-based church for some Christianity 101 teaching.
Here is an example of a FALSE teaching about the Christian god: God is moral.
║Those who regard a freedom from the false morals and obsolete
║practices regarding sex or religion as debauched are doing naught
║but corrupting their minds with foolishness.
║My morals come from compassion; my compassion from
║understanding. And I seek to know and understand... everything.
';What does it mean to ';spread a false teaching about God';?';
You can use the bible to justifiy anything, Its just a matter of looking for the parts you like.
You hate gays - No problems look in levitucs
You have abortion - Just quote thou shall not kill
You like sex - Read Songs of Solomon
In Revelation you read that the false prophets are in the lake of fire with satan. A true Prophet today should teach Gods word . Too many today call themselves prophets and twist scripture and teach doctrines of men, not Gods Word. The best way to prove one right or wrong is to study for yourself. If you use a KJV and a Strong's Concordance, you can take every word in the KJ Bible back to the original Hebrew or Greek to get the true meaning of the word. Many today teach the fly away rapture which is a false teaching and not in Gods Word. God tells us in Ezekiel that He's against those who teach His souls to fly to save their soul. There are many doctrines of men and many divisions in Christianity (denominations) that are way off on Gods truths. God tells us to be careful when listening to men.
False = God is all about love, - and not at all about justice.
-A Fundie.
War is an expected mandate for any citizen, christian or otherwise (generally speaking). But to step over the line and take yourself as a (false) prophet, then at least with the Old Testament, - a false prophecy was punishable by death if you proved yourself wrong.
And in the N.T., Paul (especially) talked about leading the faithful astray, (don't just circumcise, - you guys should cut it all off). And Jesus said to lead (as a false prophet) the children astray, - it would be better to tie a millstone around your neck, - and be thrown into the sea.
it basically means to not tell the truth about the bible. when you don't know what you are talking about, but talk about it anyway, that's spreading false teachings about God
To me a false teaching would be that of someones own interpretation of what they think the bible says. Such as saying that God and Jesus are 2 different people when in fact the Bible says Jesus is God
saying jesus is god is a false teaching . people do this all the time. It is not the parishioners fault that they believe theses lies. Jehovah is god, Jesus is his son.
Saying something that halfwit fundies don't like
I am pretty sure if the god of the bible existed he would despise fundies anyway, I mean what is there to like?
That's a good one. Don't spread a false teaching about a mythological figure.
false teachings seems to be mainly what a fundie or a cherry-picker doesn't support
many lie that the bible has all of the answers
Teaching that he's anything more than a figment of the imagination.
';What does it mean to ';spread a false teaching about God';?';
To whom?
Obviously if I don't believe in it it is false. Duh.
God is not real anyways, so any teachings about him are in fact false.
antichrist !
It means to Participate in a Lie.
Well if comes out of the mouth of a fundie its false
To teach something other than what the Bible says.
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