Monday, February 8, 2010

Why do radical false teachers with degrees in theology teach that God's Law was only for Israel?

God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai to be given through Israel to all the nations of the world.

Jesus said in the New Testament. '; I did not not come to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it';(Matthew 5:17-18). He fulfill the Law by living a life of perfect obedience.Why do radical false teachers with degrees in theology teach that God's Law was only for Israel?
Theologically, there are actually 613 commandments for the Hebrew people to follow.

I am a liberal theologian and i have never advocated that the 10 commandments or other laws of the bible are invalid and the only people who I have heard say something similar to that are some 9not all) evangelical Christians who believe Jesus wiped out the need for law and works and they base it upon misinterpretations of Paul's teachings and innacuracies in his teachings as well.

James, brother of Jesus, clearly states that faith without works is dead.

If you are referring to radical right wing Christians, then indeed some to advocate no need for the law of the old testament, but only some of those people do that.

With that said, I do think that most conservative Christian theologians and believers have it wrong as to what Jesus taught, but I would think that being from a more liberal approach.Why do radical false teachers with degrees in theology teach that God's Law was only for Israel?
What is right and wrong according to God never changes, but what is no longer in effect is the ceremonies, rituals, and formalisms, for sacrifice for sins. Now the sacrifice for sins is repentance.
From an OT perspective, this is true. One had to become a Hebrew to become one of God's chosen people. Orthodox Jews still teach this, as they do not acknowledge Jesus as Lord nor the NT (some don't read past the Pentateuch (Torah)).
because a majority of the events in the bible happened in Israel perhaps?
That's their big mistake. They will face the consequences before the Lord.

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